muniver's profile picture

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Category: Blogging


before you friend me or interact please read this!!

please DNI: danganronpa fans, basic dni criteria, under 14 and over 20 unless rq first, proshits, hate any of my friends or anything i like (why are u here...), critics or anyone who thinks they know my interests better than me (ur annoying)(this doesnt apply to genuine critisim but if i say something wrong just hey, dont be a DICK. >_*)

take note BYF: i spam and yap a bunch when im comfortable, i have vulgar language and say the f slur, i make kys jokes and JOKINGLY bully my friends (pls tell me if u dont want me to do this i understand), i dont use tone tags often, i dont like any ships involving emu otori or airi momoi so if ur a big fan of any ships including them please dont interact or post where i can see it :D

THANK U 4 READING PLEASE CONSIDER BEING APART OF THE MUNI FANDOM (its just a general term i use to refer to my friends)

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