Story that I wrote !

Death of a Husband

“It was late at night when I finally heard him. My husband was gasping for air right beside me in the bed, the bed where we used to lay together. The place where we had all of our hard times. The place where we had our happiest times. It turned out to be the worst night I have experienced by far.” I’m talking to my therapist about what happened to my husband and why he isn’t sitting in the room with me anymore, like he usually was until May 21, 2022.

Hello, my name is Savannah Farmer. I’m twenty-five years old and my husband died right beside me. I don’t remember much about that night, other than the red and blue lights outside my window after I called 911, crying so hard I couldn’t see straight, and the ride to the hospital in the same ambulance as my husband. As I paced back and forth in the waiting room, my family arrived and attempted to calm me down, but to no avail I just continued to cry while pacing. Back and forth, back and forth. Soon, the doctor that attended to my husband came out of his room with a grim expression. He told me my husband was gone, and after that, I blacked out. Possibly from exhaustion, possibly from the mere thought of knowing my daughter, when she’s born, will never have a father.

Soon after, my husband had an autopsy. There was apparently some sort of lethal poison in his blood, causing it to burst some of his blood cells, leading to his death. He choked on his blood. As soon as the police found out this information, an investigation was opened. The cops showed up to my house after my husband’s funeral a few days after he died with questions and some tea for compensation. They tell me what they know, all while I’m crying, not being able to believe that he was murdered.

The next few weeks were excruciating. I decided to help with the investigation, doing most of it from home. After a year of trying to figure out what happened, the police decided to close the case. I was free. Nobody found out anything I didn’t want them to.

I did it. I killed my husband. Let me tell you why. My husband and I had been married for 4 years. In that fourth year, we finally decided to have a child together. On our anniversary night, that’s when we laid down together and tried. After a day or two, I took a test and it came out positive! I told my husband and he seemed excited. At first. Soon, he started getting more and more distant. Eight months later, give or take, I found out that he cheated on me with someone he met off of a dating app. I lost it. How could he cheat on someone he swore he loved? His vows to me were ‘til’ death do us part.’ So that’s what I did. It was meant to kill me too, but I guess I didn’t do it right. Oops.

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