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Category: Life


hi! i'm fred, and this is my spacehey! please bear in mind that i've never used this site before and know very little about it, i just joined because i enjoy the novelty of outdated internet things like this! i know site this was made more recently and is only meant to emulate older sites, but still!

stop by and say hi if you'd like! i'm open to meeting new people - im still not sure what im going to use this space for yet, but i'll figure it out soon i'm sure! any tipe on how to use / navigate the site would also be helpful :3!! if u have any questions for me feel free 2 ask!

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Dart Highwind

Dart Highwind's profile picture

Hey there, whippersnapper.
There's a huge difference between something being outdated and something being vintage.
Things that are outdated are things which have their functions done better by modern standards. Example, cassette tapes are outdated because of CDs.

Vintage is something that does what it does and still does it as well as it ever has. Even though SpaceHey is modern, it takes from vintage design ideas, and no other social media does the same (as far as I'm aware).

Welcome to the platform ;P
Feel free to drop a line if you need help.

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