Crazy interactions with sleep paralysis

as most already know, sleep paralysis is usually frightening and many see horrifying monsters and/or people, 


this is the most accurate drawing I could find of what my sleep paralysis looks like, all of my dreams start the same, my bedroom door is open and the kitchen light is on downstairs, but this is strange because I always keep it closed and the lights are always off, I can't move at all, this is because of your brains reaction so that you don't do anything drastic while being in the sleep paralysis, then I hear my bathroom door creak, followed by scampering along the ceiling. After that I hear a small screech, something small yet it echoes throughout my ears. It then peaks through the top of my doorway, its white bright eyes staring me down, I try to scream, but there is always that heavy push on your chest that makes it hard to scream in this situation. He keeps gazing in the room then lets out a loud screech, making my ears ring. Then he either scampers into the room from the ceiling, or moves his body in inhuman ways and drops to ground, running to the foot of my bed staring at me, then after about 5-10minutes of not moving and heavy breathing he either drops down on to me or crawls onto the bed, stretching his limbs, making him out to be so much longer than he looked at the top of my door. He then starts pressing on my chest and throat, hard enough for me to be out of breath, but not hard enough to kill me.

if you have any sleep paralysis stories, I'd love to hear them!

signing off, z0mbiez :3

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ColdBrewCrys's profile picture

Sounds frightening. I've had a couple of sleep paralysis demon related dreams myself. I'm in a deep black void, and I try to move, but I can't. It feels like I try so hard that it feels like my soul it trying to move out of my body, but doesn't quite have the strength. Then, a dark figure (almost the same as yours, but without a defined body, just white, glowing eyes and black squiggles in a roughly humanoid shape) appears at the right side of my bed and stares at me. There was also a rumbling sound accompanied by it, and the first time it appeared, it looked like the entire room was drifting apart with bright white light seeping through the cracks.

Truly terrifying stuff.

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