well js to let you know, the question marks on my pfp are there because I'm going thru an extreme questioning stage and have been for a few months, the flags are what I THINK I identify as, but I want to have more knowledge and grow up before I seriously label myself, if I ever do seriously label myself.

The flags in my current pfp are Omnisexual and Demi-girl :> 

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Cørey's profile picture

I thought Gerard would be the gay flag and Frank bi but okay

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ursa's profile picture

it's okay ! if you end up not relating to these labels you just be happy you tried them ! it's never that serious, sometimes, labels can be seen as too rigid or not right because of what they are, but it's okay

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Dart Highwind

Dart Highwind's profile picture

I find that labels do little more than just box you into a certain identity and ideology. Oftentimes, they are too rigid.
I find it far more productive to look in the mirror and rather than say "This person is this and that" say "This person is me, and that's all that I am."

Don't try to fit yourself into a box because every box that's out there was made by someone else and you will likely never fit.

You are you; You are wholly unique. Boxing yourself in will do nothing but hold you back.

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