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Category: Life

-< x >- Order & Chaos -< x >-

In a world of order; there can not be beauty. 

Order is foreseeable whilst beauty is an adventure felt. 

Whomever made the world docile should’ve known what their creation would in turn instil in us; what malice they must have had, oblivious or not.

Cogs that turn without purpose; a force of rotation we know yet do not feel, teeth we know their incline of yet do not feel, a diameter wide or narrow we know of yet do not feel.

A stream of water that flows in a constant velocity, in a constant direction. The call of the void; compelling you to jump off-board, knowing how you took the leap aware that its safer on deck, then enveloped in the stream feeling the cold of the water coating every inch and crevice of your body; despite it all, the docile churning of complacency, you swim up the stream with every morsel of the very fibres that constructs your frame.

You are the brave and the courageous. Willing - manifesting.

Are you the order or are you the chaos?

In order: you are steered in one direction alongside everyone else; the one’s who you are alike and those whom you are indifferent too and those who you despite.

In chaos: you can jump from each stone of the cascade falling down to make your own way and find your fellow peers who took the same direction as you; you are now adventurers of the same destiny.

Be the dagger that cuts the veil; free your body, free your heart.

Let order die, let chaos reign.

Be you, not it.


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