Medical Stress

So basically one of my friend's friend were getting sick. They told me their symptoms and so I told them it was the flu. Though I'm not really sure myself since I'm not a certified doctor.


Cough and Phlegm.

-> Phlegm colour :  Not applicable.

COULD SUGGEST PNEUMONIA (lung infection from either one of both at the same time caused by different factors such as bacteria, viruses or fungi), BRONCHITIS (a condition where it develops in the bronchial tubes - the airways of a lung - becomes inflamed, causing the patient to cough of produce phlegm/mucus), INFLUENZA (also known as the flu).IMAGE CREDIT : NEWS-MEDICAL


-> Possible  Postnasal Drip(when mucus drops down from your throat)/Allergies/Viral Infection (illnesses you can be infected by viruses)/Sinus/Hay Fever.IMAGE CREDIT : ENT ASSOCIATES


-> PATIENT SAID TO HAVE SORE SOUNDING COUGHING (can be the result of Croup. Croup is the result of swelling and irritation around the larynx, trachea and bronchial tubes. The sore sounding coughs can be caused when it forces air through the narrow passageway, resulting the swollen vocal cords to produce the barking sound. Breathing can often produce high-pitched whistling called a stridor).IMAGE CREDIT : MEDIKA LIFE

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