Bonzi Buddy blue boarder issue on Windows 11

In one of my more recent tech projects, I have been skinning and modifying Windows 11 to look like Windows XP and part of that is downloading retro software to go with it. If you're wondering yes you can still download BonziBUDDY in the modern day but your anti-virus will really really not like it.

But aside from that every time I try to run him, he has this ugly bright blue boarder around him and it really bothers me. As I have been told this is a common problem trying to run these MSAgent characters on windows 11.

The fix supposedly is to run the application in WIN98/ME compatibility mode, but Windows 11 has problem running WIN98 applications so when I run it this way it simply doesnt work. Another fix is to use Double Agent and make it replace instances of MSAgent however, double agent simply doesnt let me make the switch, it just plays an error sound when I do

If anybody knows how to fix this I would greatly appreciate it.

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hxlloketty's profile picture

That monkey used to strike fear into my heart even though it's basically harmless now lol

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Yeah though you still *shouldn't* use it but it is basically safe now. Its more of a fun little thing. Just don't put in your personal info

by SkyeDarkclaw; ; Report