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Category: Music

my opinion on chelsea grin

last night i decided to listen to some of their music and i felt kinda weird ab it. ive been thinking ab this all night and all morning so heres my honest opinion ab them

i like heavy music even though i dont like to listen to it all the time i gotta be in a specific mood to enjoy it. chelsea grin is rlly heavy and i like that. some ppl say the the vocalist doesnt sound good live but on record he sounds amazing to me like with all the screaming and brees and shit like that. i havent seen them live so idrk how they sound on stage.

one thing i REALLY FUCKING HATE ab chelsea grin tho is their lyrics, more specifically on the song crewcabanger. i read a bit ab it and the song is basically about a woman who uses men for sex and then dumps them/ruins their lives in some way. at first i thought that they were on some misogynistic bullshit but after looking into it i understood the meaning of the song better and i dont think that this song actually has any misogyny in it. idk if the writer of the song is talking about one specific woman or a group of morally corrupt women, but it is true that those type of women exist. not all women are good and some of them, just like some men, will only see the one they are sexually attracted to as a toy. a woman can write a song ab how much she hates the behaviour of some men, and a man can write a song about how much he hates the behaviour of some women. that does not include songs ab men whining ab how women dont want to fuck them and straight up hating them ofc (which was actually what i thought crewcabanger was about). 

the only problem that i have with this song (and the band in general) are the stupid lyrics. LIKE REALLY THEY COULD NOT THINK OF ANYTHING BETTER TO WRITE?!? most of their songs sound shallow, repetitive and basically the same, like they were written by a highschooler who failed literature class😭. i find it incredibly cringey to listen to. no hate to the fans of the band ofc, i also like some bands that have shittily written lyrics, there is nothing bad ab liking bad music. 

the only song by cg that is gonna stay in my playlist is probably dont ask dont tell, i like that one.

2 Kudos


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