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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes


I’ve been weighing myself everyday for about 2 years and today I hit 99.8lbs!! It’s really been so difficult and although I’m not at a healthy weight for my age and height and body type quite yet to see such a big improvement is so great, for the most part I’ve dealt with my ED alone as I don’t have much familial support and I don’t like talking about it with my friends, but it’s just made me so happy to finally be up to a sort of healthy weight again that I needed to share!! My goal weight is somewhere around 112lbs, my doctor said that’s a healthy weight for me to be. I’m so happy to be able to see a future where I’m healthy and happy, and I’ve learned to love myself more and MAYBE I’ll start working out to build muscle instead of to lose weight, which would be a dream come true!! (Pls be positive and nice and also if you have any good news to share pls comment!)

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mfmiller's profile picture

AHHH!! So proud of you!! 99.8 is so awesome considering you were in low 70s a few months ago, definitely nothing to laugh at!! (If you wanna build muscle, come to my private gym )

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Rich people!!

by sid; ; Report