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Category: Blogging

You're not invited to the party; or, How i learned to stop worrying and stay niche

Howdy fellas, i wanna use this one as a chance to talk about some gripes i have with how people tend to use this place. It's always slightly bothered me when i see a profile that grabs my eye, or just has a certain vibe to it that i like, and then i scroll down and see about 100-1000 friends in their list. Are you really going to interact with that many people? I feel it is the users younger than me that didn't grow up with blogging things like this and treat it as a followers number akin to a more modern social platform like Twitter (although anything they've done in the past handful of years is far from it). Its like these people just want to friend you because your profile looks cool or whatever, just leave a comment and that's it, never to interact again. Just really strange behaviour i think.

That's not to say i'm exempt from this either, it may not seem like i'm very active, (what, with the sporadic bulletin and rare blog post...) but infact, i've kept the tab pinned so i'm always online when i open my browser. There's a chance i haven't spoken to you either and i suppose i don't have much to say except when there's a comment (looking at you, Fawkes)

Where am i going with this? I'll be quite honest i don't know either, i hope that people will learn its okay to keep to a small-ish circle, there's not really a need to have over 30k users on your friends list, and even then, the only benefit you'd get is a flooded bulletin board and an audience of yapping deaf people, everyone speaks but no-one listens. Be the hidden gem your page was meant to be.

another small annoyance:

One thing i've seen when it comes to the new users list is the utilization of popular layouts, now there's nothing wrong with using them, infact my one was based off of a layout, and i started from there. But i mean really, how original do you think you are using the goddamn Windows XP layout, come on now. Not even mentioning that you'd have to hear the startup noise and gif overlay every time you wanna see your profile, can we talk about the gif overlays? lets talk about the gif overlays, i've been dying to talk about the gif overlays. It's silly, and not even time accurate either! Vista was the System around the time Myspace was most popular, sure you could argue that more users stayed on XP because Vista was dogshit but that's besides the point


here's my favourite cat image of the year

i was looking at images of traditional japanese patterns (like the one featured on the (chair?) of this image) and just happened to find this, this is my favourite picture, look at that fuckin goober.

Till next time

now playing
ยป Lease (low quality)
My Merry May; Takeshi Abo

2 Kudos


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caweyka's profile picture

I personally don't really care as much about the layout thing given that I've freestyled my own code before and it wasn't just a mess, but near impossible to sort out once I decided to revamp lol. The thousand friend thing is a bit odd to me as well tbh

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