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Category: Life

Should I stop??? (Please read it if you have time)

I have been helping depressed and suicidal peopple for some time which is pretty ironic since I am depressed and suicidal myself. I honestly feel like and impostor sometimes. I feel like a pathetic liar who is not only trying to fool other, but also trying to fool myself. I try to act optimistic and happy. Because of that I feel like my mental health is deteriorating.

I am at a big dilema. Should I stop or should I continue?  For one hand I feel like a liarr who is trying to fool himself and is feeling worse and worse over time. On the other hand I never had or have anyone to help me with my struggles, I know how it is to post on reddit and nobody seeing your post. I know how these people feeling and I really want to be the person that I would like tto have, and I can't just leave them :(

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Ayisha🪷's profile picture

You aren't required to do anything put yourself first always even if you think you're being selfish you're not. And if you ever need someone to talk too I'll listen because I've been in that situation before so I totally understand.

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Thanks for the offer. I appreciate it <3

by MyNameIsJeff2005; ; Report

No problem anytime🩷

by Ayisha🪷; ; Report


Esmus's profile picture

You are your very own priority, you are not required to help anybody even out of human decency given what you're going through. I am grateful you are self aware of your mental health, please seek out help before indulging in anything else, and keep in mind that surrounding yourself with ill people will eventually get to you. Have a nice day.

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I hope you have a nice day too <3

by MyNameIsJeff2005; ; Report


Ayry's profile picture

It's very kind of you to try to help them, but you should focus on your mental health first bb.

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Thank you. Although it is hard I will try to improve myself first. Have a great day <3<3

by MyNameIsJeff2005; ; Report


steven.<3's profile picture

honestly it is best to focus on your own mental health when you are really down in the pits. that way, when you get better (you will! you'd BETTER!!!), THEN if you have emotional energy you can help those people.

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by MyNameIsJeff2005; ; Report

rave >D<

rave >D<'s profile picture

In my opion I think its good that youre like out here helping other people while dealing w your own stuff but you should also like put yourself frist for a bit find somone who like you can talk w its not good jus ignoring how you feel doing that jus makes everthing worse in the future IDK IF THAT HELPED SORRY ( you dont like know me but if you ever need somone to talk w n stuff im here for you n im sure plenty of other people are too :D )

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Thanks for the comment. I have tried to many fricking times to talk to people and make online friends but everyone either stops replying all of a sudden or they ignore my messages for days before answering. I will try to make myself feel better without having to rely on others which is easier said than done XD

by MyNameIsJeff2005; ; Report

Yeahh dude i get that
like somtimes its like way hard making youself feel better n when you try talking to people they like dgaf you gotta find people who you can like really talk to
If your cofmy with threpy you should try it ( NOT BETTER HELP IT SUCKS ) its hard to find like a right therpist for you but its worth it trust me n if youre not you got family n friends real or online who care enough to listen to you

by rave >D<; ; Report

I have tried therapy once and it wasn't good (probably because it was free). The therapist started saying that I was just lazy and undisciplined. I don't have money for real therapy but I hope that I will have after the army. Thanks agian for noticing me <3 :)

by MyNameIsJeff2005; ; Report

#Loose your job #quit #lets fight #pull up
im gonna freaking fight them no way your job is to help people n youre out here degrading them and stuff ( n dude no biggie you dont have to say thank you youre flipping amazing nnnnnnn you should love youself because your awsum sauce >D< )

by rave >D<; ; Report

I am not really loving myself at the moment, quite the opposite. I am trying though XD. You made my day a little better, thank you :). Also sorry for keep saying thank you, I just feel like whenever people notice I have to thank them because wasted their time on me lol. Goodnight <3<3<3, take care

by MyNameIsJeff2005; ; Report

Grrr if you dont love yourself im lit gonna force you too n i didnt waste my time it was freaking fun talking :DD night night sleep tight dont let justin biber bite

by rave >D<; ; Report

-- -·-- ·-·· ·· - - ·-·· · -·· --- ·-·· ·-··

-- -·-- ·-·· ·· - - ·-·· ...'s profile picture

I am that one but different, they reject my help, what they are suffering like me, the bad thing is that they eliminate me or block me, I am tired of living, if they continue like this, I feel disconnected from this human, he tried to drown me in my bathtub, stab me in my chest, hang me, get poisoned, throw myself out of my house, drown myself with my pillow with my suicide plans I started all this when I was 6 or 7 years old I suffer in this world I deserve to die I try to help them but they are monkeys who don't understand anything...

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Warning about the tub I almost did it and the demos were suicide plans but I still had to spend a year with a psychologist from my school because of my father who hit my mother I only tell you here because I only say someone says it all :( I I feel worse like this I have cut myself I can't stand so much pain I am no longer in my mind or the heart just bites my skin but I stopped now I just cry in my bed I just want to leave this cruel world but nostalgia won't let me leave :(

by -- -·-- ·-·· ·· - - ·-·· · -·· --- ·-·· ·-··; ; Report

This is so real, 99% of the time they reeject my help and when they except it they use me and they ignore my messages for hours or even days . I am also an unforynate people pleaser which doesn't help :(

by MyNameIsJeff2005; ; Report

I recommend that you don't commit suicide but I already tried it with the tub but I couldn't hold the air lol it was still painful for me

by -- -·-- ·-·· ·· - - ·-·· · -·· --- ·-·· ·-··; ; Report

Don't even cut yourself, it's painful or like a drug, but don't do it, you're going to lose a lot of blood and be admitted to the hospital

by -- -·-- ·-·· ·· - - ·-·· · -·· --- ·-·· ·-··; ; Report

I am suffering though. I am just trying to cope as much as I can :/

by MyNameIsJeff2005; ; Report

and so your parents leave you in the hospital but they won't know what to do with you I saw many videos of some people just ignore all that and continue with your life until you become an adult to be whatever you want but if you do it you are going to ruin little by little your life and you will commit suicide, but what happens if suicide was never your destiny and it was the other way, you will be left alone in your emptiness without meaning of anything

by -- -·-- ·-·· ·· - - ·-·· · -·· --- ·-·· ·-··; ; Report

Just ignore them, pretend to be deaf, blind and mute in front of people and you'll be fine.

by -- -·-- ·-·· ·· - - ·-·· · -·· --- ·-·· ·-··; ; Report

If you have a bathtub, get in with the water full and scream into the water so you feel like you are relieved but don't drown pls.

by -- -·-- ·-·· ·· - - ·-·· · -·· --- ·-·· ·-··; ; Report

I won't drown lmfao XD dw

by MyNameIsJeff2005; ; Report

lol maybe if you are going to commit suicide ever think about it 3 times the first time you feel like you want to commit suicide, the second time you change a little but remind yourself of something that made you happy and 3 times you already forgot about that I saw cases of people who regretted committing suicide but died because of it

by -- -·-- ·-·· ·· - - ·-·· · -·· --- ·-·· ·-··; ; Report

But maybe when I am very adult but young I am still going to publish a book or I am thinking about publishing this book for myself here but with the age that I am but I feel that people with the heads of monkeys are going to steal my creation or ask for permission If you can publish it with my name :( If you want, I'll send it to you privately but I'm just in the first chapters hahaha...

by -- -·-- ·-·· ·· - - ·-·· · -·· --- ·-·· ·-··; ; Report

You can def send it to me when you done :)

by MyNameIsJeff2005; ; Report

G-man Jr

G-man Jr's profile picture

I think you definitely try and find your own support. It's really not good if you keep ignoring it. But I think there's a way to do that without abandoning your friend. If you leave them, your definitely gonna feel worse, but try and find another outlet, and maybe one for your friend as well. Or maybe see if you can be open with each other and help one another

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It is really har to find support. I have tried so many times but everyone keeps ignoring or get bored. Therapist are expensive and who are free are bored to do their job correctly. I will try to suppress my feeling until I get a little more money. Thanks for ur time though :)

by MyNameIsJeff2005; ; Report

alright, well hang in there bro it'll work out trust

by G-man Jr; ; Report