suddenly noticed a ton of mistakes but what everrrrr. some are extremely noticeable.
this gonna be the cover for my first album . i need to fix some of the more obvious mistakes, then finish the album so i can put its info on here. i finished my 1rst ep days ago but i cant release it yet cuz im struggling with paypal and its what bandcamp accepts. so anoying!js!!! adfiabfa
but yeah that's the 90% complete art for it, its a hammer head bat (who is either a butch lesbian or a goofy gay "bear"[body type not species they are a bat] idk which but i think the album sounds queer in a difficult to explain way. like not in a textual way, its instrumental but its offkilter-ness, dissonance and attempt and failure to approximate dance music, mixed with it geting sparkly and cavernous later into the track list sense of space makes it feel to me like some queer miner who feels a deep sense of alienation for their coworkers and spends their time at work alone, trying to find a sense of peace and lose themselves in their work but with an obvious nagging in their head impeding their attempts at escape from their situation or something, only for them to find something that they will have to tell everyone abt, like a cave with a shit ton of crystals. and the slow realization that they now have a long project ahead of them that will require extended collaboration with the people they are trying to escape. idk might be crazy that may not be there at all. again this is a instrumental album.)
also its mostly done cuz i already had the demos done lol, oh and its a mini album. like i could easily call it a ep but i feel like its important to me to be a ep.
heres 4 hrs of strugle in 15 seconds!
uhhhh idk if that worked i cant tell on my end.... ill try again here:
wait maybe i can post video links??? did that work????
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sense of space was a typo. i reworded a senstance and forgot to delete it. look its 4am yall im sry