💚 diary #9 ❤️ 6/9/2024 💚

I WENT TO BED AT 3 AM AGAIN but i actually got up early so sleeping tonight SHOULD be a breeze. hopefully

life is so much fun to live and i dont wanna miss any of it for SLEEP?????? i love talking to people and doing stuff and experiencing new things and just doing things . i say this bu when i sleep  i don't wanna get up

anyway. since my sister is still sick we didn't go to sunday morning church. i slept in until like 9ish and got out of bed at 10. i took a shower and washed my hair finally since i was going to a church meeting and going out with my friend to her house later. after that i made some chocolate chip cookies  since it had been  a while since i'd baked, and the lady hosting the meeting was kind enough to cater dinner for us. 

my dad came down and said some random stuff about making omelettes while the cookies were baking. he also said he found another velvet ant to put in his terrarium, but it was really small so that was neat

My friend finalized my plans to go to her house (kind of), and i thought she'd be back at my house at 12:30. so  i took an hour long nap and then got ready but at 1:30 she still wasn't here. i wore a skirt i hadn't worn in a while but my sweater mademe feel not so good about myself. plus it had a stain on it

finally she got back and then asked if i wanted to go see the kittens tommorrow since her mom hadn't responded to her saying it was okay for me tocome over, but i said i could just go after the meeting. so she stayed at home and i watched a bunch of creepy videos about abandoned buildings. which was fun, i like creepy stuff but then i got scared. and i felt really alone and yet also like someone was watching me. and i wanted someone there with me and i guess i had my cat but still i was scared

now i'm probably going to do it again <3

i h ave got to stop playing minecraft murder mystery it stresses me out so bad

anyways so then i went to the meeting and ibrought cookies for the lady and she was very grateful. another lady who was a special needs teacher for YEARS came andtalked to us about special needs kids. kids with autism, cereberal palsy, with all kinds of disabilities and impairments, etc.  since at vacation bible school this year we have a lot of kids coming with those. i thought it was good to learn about and i liked how she and the other lady emphasized how God loves everyone and made everyone different, and that we should explain that to the other kids who might ask about the ones with disabilities

then they passed out a lot of papers detailing who was gonna work with who. me and this one lady are gonna work with the first graders. my mom said that was a good place to be, since that lady is already a teacher and first graders are not loud and rambunctious and they also aren't too defiant and are just sweet. one of the papers had instructions for what to do during an active shooter drill which made me feel scared :(

after that they had dinner. i didn't eat any since i was gonna eat at home but I DID have a slice of chocolate cake. i sat with a couple of my friends. this other lady came over and grilled one of them about not having a driver's liscence, and we talked about college stuff and people we knew. one of them is working with the 4 year old class and she was so upset, she HATES kid, which makes me wanna ask why she volunteered to work VBS, but the lady running the meeting came and talked to her about it.

my friend/roommate is notorious for being late and i knew she probably hadn't left the house at 5:00 liike she was supposed to so i called her. she said she'd come get me in 20 minutes. 30 minutes later she hadn't left the house and my mom lost her patience so we went home and i drove with her from my house to her house.

i don't get mad at a lot of things, and i don't get mad at my friend being late and wasting my time. well, i kind of do. but i don't show it like my parents do. i feel like my parents get mad over the smallest things

anyway SO we drove to her house AND I GOT TO MEET THE KITTENS. there was a small one and then a bigger one and they were SO CUTE😭😭 i walked in and they hissed a little bit, and then her dad came in andmanhandled them even though the kitten didn't want it which made me so angry

anyway the one i got to hold was bigger, and she was super meowy and liked to play and climb around. then she passed out in my lap for an hour and let me pet her. she even purred some, and my friend said that she had never done that before. the other one just sat on my friends chest and slept. she was SO SO SO SO SO tiny and her leg is a little hurt and she has no tail but she was just so precious

we just sat for like an hour and a half holding these sleeping kittensand id never trade it for the world. i took so many pictures and idk i love them so much and i'm gonna go back and seethem

we put on a video of fish swimming in a pond for them as well and then put them back in their room and fed them. i got to meet her other cat as well named chloe who was a huge cat and had a jaguar face and her one eyed cat named phoebe who ran away from me

THEN we drove to the grocery store to get ice cream that my parents asked me to get. i got to pick out the flavours so i got butter pecan (bc my dad wanted some) and white chocolate raspberry since it reminds me of poppy. and chocolate syrup so i could make hot chocolate and chocolate milk without using the other powder i dont like

somerandom guy said hi to us in the aisle too ANDTHEN my friend saw the TXT brand cereal boxes so she had to get those and some milk. then she accidentally got two of the samebox but iwent back and traded the lucky charms for the twix ones. then we checked out and went home 

i ate some mac and cheese and ribs leftover from dinner and took a quick shower,., now i'm writing this blog and talking to poppy my angel my girl

oh yeah my friend said she works with this girl at her coffee shop who is
a. my age
b. goingto the same school as me
c. HAS TATTOOS (hot)

so i want to at least be her friend if not her girlfriend  I HAVE GOTTT TO MEEEET HER

anyway i would write more but i'm tired of writing SO GOOD NIGHT

Listening To: The Nutcracker Soundtrack - Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairy
Mood: Happy

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birby (autoplay)

birby (autoplay)'s profile picture

velvet ants are so cute :)

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RIGHT OMG they're adorable i love them so much

by holidaygirl1225; ; Report