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Category: SpaceHey

Enjoying it here so far.

Hi everyone.

It's great to be able to join a site that resembles the old MySpace. I miss the old site a lot. In 2005 I signed up and started from scratch. I didn't even have a scanner to get my profile picture uploaded! 

I tried putting up with Facebook for a long time, but over time it got harder and harder to handle, with restrictions and advertising that was intrusive and annoying. Eventually it got to the point where a 'bad' keyword could result in my ability to post being removed for a week! 

Obviously I'm from a generation that is simply not prepared to put up with being parented by a social media app, so I deleted my FB account as soon as my last ban ended.

I joined Twitter about two years ago when Elon took over and it's fun, and great for news, but there are millions of absolute, unhinged lunatics there! It's like a digital insane asylum.

Now I get to start again, in a place that doesn't judge or threaten. A place that's like the old internet, where I can express myself and speak candidly, as well as hearing all opinions, not just the ones th algorithm prefers that I hear.

Let me know what you think of SpaceHey so far.

God bless you!

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Mr.Timer's profile picture

its so refreshing to see someone whos older on spacehey, i feel like its mainly filled with teenagers who WISH they knew what myspace was like ( me too though )

i hope you enjoy spacehey, ive heard there is a lot of drama if you look too far into the crevices of this website, just dont get lost on the web my friend!

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( also i agree, social media nowadays is just greedy old people trying to get advertisers to lick their boots, plus there are a lot of kids whos dopamine receptors are fried because of the constant flow of content. )

by Mr.Timer; ; Report


It's problem -free so far. I don't go into the forums where they discuss things teens are into anyway. My teenage years ended ages ago.

I know what you mean though. Browsing profiles, it's hard to find anyone older than 23. But I must admit it's no more crazy or weird than the original MySpace in that regard. Most kids just want some attention I guess.

by Doug; ; Report