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Category: Romance and Relationships

pros and cons about henry


  • pretty eyes
  • band 
  • goofy and texts first 
  • tall
  • nice hands
  • talented


  • looks like an older version of young biggy norris 
  • cheated on his ex
  • up himself
  • texted me “morning glory” the second day we were talking to this day still don’t know if he was openly trying to tell me i gave him a boner but oh well (we are both minors and he is 2 years older)
  • he waves his arms about whenever the prologue starts playing in the show we’re doing like an anime  cosplayer your not a fucking conductor get a life
  • therartre kid
  • his insta LIKE wym revolutionise the pain u fucking nerd
  • greasy hair 
  • everyone i know hates him 
  • in green the house
  • metal elitist
  • his favourite film is fucking fight club
  • says he’s ’js like bojack’ THATS NOT SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF BLUD
  • hates my music taste probably (I don’t actually know because he didn’t have the common decency to ask me??)
  • reposted a video about how rich men won’t be with a woman who’s ‘looking for a guy’ (what the fuck there is no way u can be serious)
  • his jacket is stupid
  • wears skinny tracksuit cargos basically every day (what the actual fuck)
  • forces his voice down
  • only talks about himself
  • letting me air him (if u want me that bad fight for me bitch)
  • says yello (can’t tell if it’s cute or disgusting) (disgusting)
  • probably autistic 
  • nearly killed his ex apparently (not surprised edge-lord)
  • friends with a bunch of girls
  • WAY too horny like chill i don’t give a fuck about your dick or ur band just be normal like bet bro is jacking off rn horny weasel
  • thinks he’s edgy for drinking?? we live in england your not special for being tipsy
  • gross camera 
  • sent me snaps of him playing bass like bro i promise u i do not gaf i get it u like objects with string and it make noise
  • would’ve probably touched me (i head cannon him as a rapist -in a kawaii way tho)
  • his reposts
  • would betray his exes family if i ever dated him 

0 Kudos


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