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Category: Blogging

First Blog + a fun story

Hello! I am Cersan. I'm new to SpaceHey, so bare with me as I figure out the culture here. I am very excited to become a part of this community.

Anyways, I would like to use my first blog to tell a personal story. For context, I am a twitch streamer that mostly plays Valorant. When I first started streaming, I expected to get a bunch of viewers and for people to love watching me. Turns out, my stream was laggy, the resolution was stretched, and when I checked viewer analytics not a single human joined. I spent the rest of my day thinking about whether I should continue streaming. Then, the next day, I decided to stream again. I kept up this cycle for around a week before another streamer decided to come to my stream. She showed me the ropes on how to fix all my streams issues. The next day, there was less lag, and people actually started to stay into my streams. The day after that, I fixed the stretch resolution issue. Every day I would try to improve my streams bit by bit, so I slowly built a community. I was the happiest man in the world. Later on, I started to get recognized in my Valorant lobbies, partially due to the stream, and partially from my good reputation. There is a lot I could say about the journey it took to get me here, but fortunately my journey isn't quite over yet.

Until next time, this is Cersan signing off.

2 Kudos


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T3DDY's profile picture

omg- I've always wanted to stream on twitch but i wanted to wait until i move out XD
i don't wanna be too loud bc i know i can be lol

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Yeah, I try to be quiet, but I catch myself overreacting on stream sometimes. I even have a screenshot of me doing that one miles morales shock img. Now its an emote on my twitch channel so a wins a win.

by Cersan; ; Report


Time_Keeper's profile picture

Welcome! Streamings is rough. Glad you were able to make a foot hold. What’s your stream ?

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Thank you. I have not streamed in a while due to personal matters that I'm saving for another blog, but my stream is at twitch.tv/cersan_

by Cersan; ; Report