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It's OK to be different

This is just a reminder that it is OK to be different from certain people, and that you should never let anyone's opinions interfere with your life.

I'm going to take you back to when I was a senior in high school (2022-23). At this point, I was in certain groups and activities in which I surrounded myself with certain people I had no say about. I was in the music programs more specifically. Everyone was telling me that I was such a blessing to be around and that I was awesome, so I consumed that shit. However, there were some people that didn't feel the same way deep down, even though they probably never intended to think that let alone say it. I always felt like those people thought they were holier than thou because they had good grades, were in the National Honor Society, were perfectionists, and were the teacher's pet. And to some of them (NOT ALL), I was the weird autistic kid that had certain problems I needed to work on that couldn't sit in a fucking desk for 90 minutes. Don't get me wrong, I had some people that welcomed me with open arms. However, they were still a part of that exclusive "club" and were validated for being like them. It's also worth mentioning that despite all the support and all the hard work, it was the loneliest, most stressful period of my life. I was COMPLETELY alone. Barely anybody took me in, even some of my "fans". All while my associates with hanging out with each other and having fun in their spare time. 

Anyways, I left high school feeling like actual shit and I blamed myself. I hated myself so much and it was the most stressful summer of my life. And knowing myself and how badly I overthink, I think there would've been a lot of damage control, had I not have distracted myself with other things enough to the point where none of that matters to me anymore. At this point, I have no respect for anyone that sucks up to the corrupt American education system, and this is coming from someone with a highly developed mind that remembers things most people can't. It's just not worth the stress, or the time. I've recently just figured out that I wasn't any good for them. I just didn't belong to them. I belong to another group, whatever that is. Now, I'm just trying to figure out how I can gather the most non-conforming audience, which shouldn't be too hard since that's what SpaceHey mostly consists of. I can't be the only one...

Anyways, my point bases off the Ugly Duckling story. If you don't think you belong to a certain group, you're probably right. It's not that bad to be swan. It's OK to be different, you just need to find where you really belong in this world

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liver muncher

liver muncher's profile picture

i wish i learnt this sooner, only starting year 11 in september (equiv to 10th grade i think) i realised how you'll never be able to please everyone, so you may aswell not try to please anyone at all because you'll end up finding people who like you for you rather than people who "like" you for being suited to their standards

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