entropygirl's profile picture

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Category: Friends

the struggles of XIV social networking and you!

Why are you here? 

(on SpaceHey, nothing too serious. 😜)

I'm not sure how most folks are engaging with SpaceHey, or how actively they're really using it. If I had to guess, I'd guess that most people here made accounts out of nostalgia, but aren't actively using the site actively, like they might with other social media. Makes sense, SpaceHey is firmly in the early days of Web 2.0, by design! (Not to mention how insanely accurate it is as a recreation of OG MySpace, it's incredible.) 

Why am I here?

Personally, it seemed like a perfect place to plant my flag as a character in Final Fantasy XIV, and can engage with the internet from a partially in-character perspective. I've only pointed a handful of people to this page, encouraging them to sign up and friend me. I think only one person has actually done so, as of this writing. (Hi Faye!) Not that I actually expect people to come to this old-school site when everyone else is using Twitter or Instagram for their Final Fantasy XIV social networking, but a less-popular site like this has interesting potential.

What I want to do here...

In my opinion, this could be a fun place to carve out a niche for us XIV folks, from your typical raiders or achievement hunters, or gposers, mod enthusiasts, even mod authors or plugin developers. And that's why I keep up with my gentle attempts to get it to catch on, mostly in-game.

Okay so what?

There's no conclusive point to this post, I just thought I'd try my hand at putting some thoughts into words, and none of my other social media really lends itself to straight up blogging, it's one case where SpaceHey seemed the ideal place for something. 😁

Most people don't take me seriously enough in conversation to answer these questions, in realtime chat. So I'm wondering;

  • Even outside of XIV, what kind of niches do you think this site can help accomodate? 👯

  • And us XIV folks, what do you seek when it comes to XIV social networking, either in or out of character? 🤔

  • Any thoughts about my POV here? Am I a little dumb or crazy for even giving a shit? 🤣

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TYSON's profile picture

i use spacehey=) i like to look at the blogs & forums

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