bawling my eyes out:(

okay so I was just at a birthday party for my 80 year old aunt and 86 year old papa. they have their birthdays together since their siblings and their birthdays are close to each other.

anyways everything was fine I was happy, until around the end of the party. I have a fear of losing people and stuff I cry a lot when I think about it. so I started thinking that when I'm 80 none of my family will be there other then a few of them and it just hurts. I was crying and everyone there thought it was funny. one of my family members said "well God will probably come back before your 80" and that made me cry even more. I just have a fear of death all together. IDK it scares me, I know you have to learn to accept it as you get older but its just hard. 

I'm scared that, I'll die before I ever get married and have kids. and that's a big dream of mine, I wanna have a happy life and I want to die happy. 

anyways guys enjoy life, enjoy spending time with your family because they wont be here forever.


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