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The Portland Silicon Forest and Out Of Place Outdoors Wear

I, like many others, have an entry-level tech job in the hopes of one day making it big on the beautiful West Coast. One thing I can't help but notice from all the CS professors/TAs, low-level Intel code monkeys, and the sorts is that they all dress like they came back from the Pacific Crest trail. Now, I'm not talking typical PNW attire- high water or cuffed jeans (depending on your generation), rainboots or vans, perhaps a flannel or Pendleton fleece. No, I mean a full-on walking REI advertisement. 

What else can I do other than conform? Do I like rock climbing? Nope. Do I go on hikes? If you count pretending to be a student at Reed and idling on their campus pretending to read Ernest Hemingway (do Reed guys dig that?) as a hike, then maybe..? Have I ever peed outside? No, I avoid it like the plague. I am NOT an outdoorsy girl, but I don't need to be to be a Silicon Forest regular. I wish there was a better name for it. Not just being all Granola, but the phenomenon of PNW tech millennials/older Gen Z dressing like if Chris McCandless kept his trust fund.  

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Archer27's profile picture

Good post

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