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Category: Music

Music I’ve been distracting myself with

Hey everyone! I haven’t been doing very good recently, so I’ll talk about some of the music I’ve listened to recently to distract myself. Let me know what you think of these albums if you’ve listened to them.

Recently I got some recommendations from different places here, (particularly my recommendations blog), and they’ve all been great. There are some I still have yet to get to, but the ones I’ve heard have been awesome.

My Vitriol’s ‘Finelines’ album was phenomenal. The consistency across the entire album was astounding. Overall, it was super nostalgic and fun, and they’ve become one of my favourite bands since I listened to them.

Someone recommended me this super obscure alt-metal/nu-metal band named Aisling from the early 2000s. Their most popular song only has around 200 views on YouTube and around 2k streams on Spotify, but they’re incredible. I highly recommend if you’re a fan of Deftones like I am.

I’ve also, of course, been on a bit of a Rotmaxxing journey recently, so that’s led to me listening to some notoriously depressing albums. The first one was ‘Disintegration’ by The Cure. I listened to this while crunching work on an assignment at 3 am that was due the next day. It was very good with a ton of stand out songs, but the overall sound wasn’t exactly to my taste. 

Next was ‘The Downward Spiral’ by Nine Inch Nails. This was incredible. Remarkably harsh and self-loathing. I didn’t really relate to the lyrics in most cases, but the sound struck a chord with me. Definitely among my favourites. 

After that, just today actually, was ‘The Unnatural World’ by Have A Nice Life. Deathconsciousness is my all time favourite album, so of course I enjoyed this one. It wasn’t nearly as good as their previous outing, but that’s only because nothing is. This album had a couple duds on it, but overall did a lot to create more memorable songs with a similar sound to their debut album.

Finally, I listened to Giles Corey’s self titled album. Being another project of one of the two HANL members, Dan Barrett, I was expecting a lot coming into this. Despite it being in a particular sound I normally don’t enjoy (folk music), I was not at all disappointed. This album is WAY more depressing and hard to listen to than Deathconsciousness, which I wasn’t expecting at all. It really embodies I-won’t-make-it-to-next-year core. It also had a couple songs I didn’t click with, but was an overall incredible experience. I already relate pretty heavily to many points of this album, and likely will even more as I further deteriorate.

Anyway, if you read all of this, I appreciate you. It certainly is a lot to read, and I dunno how entertaining I was able to make it. Anyway, if you have any recommendations, I’d love to hear them. There haven’t been any disappointments yet from any of y’all, so I’d love to hear any other songs/albums you’d think I’d like.

Anyway, thanks for reading.

0 Kudos


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