The characters Inuyasha and Kagome are the protagonists of InuYasha (犬夜叉), a manga and anime created by Rumiko Takahashi. Kagome Higurashi, a teenager from modern times accidentally falls into a well that transports her to the Sengoku era, where she meets Inuyasha, a hanyou (The hanyou (半妖) are beings that possess human blood and yokai blood, which makes them a hybrid being belonging to Japanese mythology). Inuyasha was sealed in a tree while trying to steal the Shikon jewel (this jewel grants wishes, it is highly coveted by both humans and demons), by the priestess Kikyo, protector of the pearl. Kagome accidentally breaks the jewel, so they will travel all over Japan to recover the jewel shards.
The entire history of the inukag has a great development, Inuyasha did not feel part of any side, he was not a human, but neither was he a demon, both sides rejected Inuyasha, he was attacked and ignored by everyone, he only had his mother, who died. Inuyasha had to learn to take care of him Himself, he was completely alone, as he himself said, he didn't trust anyone.
Inuyasha came to fall in love with Kikyo, Kikyo even asked Inuyasha to become completely human so they could be together, but they both fell into a trap that made them fight to the death, proof of how distrustful Inuyasha is (and Kikyo too) by falling so easily into the trap.
When he met Kagome, he felt truly loved, he felt accepted, Kagome loved him just as he is, a hanyou. Unlike Kikyo, who asked Inuyasha to become human, Kagome loves him as he is, Kagome taught him to trust others, thanks to her Inuyasha made friends who appreciated him.When Kikyo is revived and Inuyasha finds out about the trap, he feels guilty for Kikyo's death, he has all the weight on him. In Kagome's confession, he says that he enjoys being with her, he says that he feels comfortable, but he shouldn't laugh, he shouldn't enjoy. Because of ''his fault'' Kikyo is dead.
Inuyasha makes it very clear that he has a duty to Kikyo, that Kikyo died because of him.
But he also says everything he feels for Kagome, and even feels bad for feeling it, because he must pay Kikyo with his life.
However, Kagome taught Inuyasha that smiling and being happy is not bad.
Inuyasha also tells Kagome that she is NOT a replacement for Kikyo. He says that he really wants to be by Kagome's side. Tells him how he feels about it
Kagome decides to stay by Inuyasha's side, Inuyasha accepts this, the desire to be by each other's side is a mutual feeling.
Inuyasha and Kagome were always very explicit with their feelings, Inuyasha was always worrying that Kagome was safe, Kagome also cared a lot about Inuyasha, and they always talked about how they both felt, they always trusted each other.
Inuyasha showed great strength when it came to protecting Kagome, no matter how hurt he was, he gave everything to make Kagome well, his main purpose was always to protect her, it didn't matter if he had to die as long as she was safe.
btw Inuyasha can't tolerate being separated from Kagome, so every time Kagome returned to the modern era he followed her with the excuse that "they had to look for the jewel shards" when he was desperate to be with her, he is so in love
To end:
that's all!! here some silly stuff about these 2
If something is written wrong, forgive me, my English is a bit bad!!
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🎄✰𝙻𝚊𝚙𝚒𝚜 𝙻𝚊𝚣𝚞𝚕𝚒✰🎄 Emu Otori kinnie
Dude I absolutely love this
Best thing I've seen all day deff
I love onslaught
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by ¡ar1ann4_ (inukag's biggest fan); ; Report
WOW! This is very cute TT
by g4b1; ; Report
tysmmm sillyyy
by ¡ar1ann4_ (inukag's biggest fan); ; Report
This was literally the best thing I have read all day
by 🎄✰𝙻𝚊𝚙𝚒𝚜 𝙻𝚊𝚣𝚞𝚕𝚒✰🎄 Emu Otori kinnie; ; Report