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Category: Life

talking abt random things (2)

hai everyone :3 good morning/afternoon/evening/night to u all

also happy pride month!!! <333

so im going to put stuff into different catogories (examples: food, crafts, exercise)



  so im planning to make an etsy shopato sell custom cat masks,and currently i have a fox mask made (im quite proud of it🤭🤭) but im sorta getting sorta tired already. idk why tho i engoy making them



ive been making diffrent foods in my toaster oven, for example ive made fried eggs(they were acctylly not that bad) garlic bread/toast using some garlic butter i made and grilled cheeses. im quite limited in what i can make tho bc i cant go shopping for foods or make certain dishes. in addition to the toaster oven ive also been making smoothies in our blender :) the only problem is i only got blackberries thinking id eat them by themselves but i only made smoothies out of them 💀 i will be going to the store tmrw so i will be able to get some mixed fruits



so ive actually been trying to workout (i even made my oun routine and gave a copy of it to a friend (^ω^) ) but the problem is im not that great at keeping consistent or disciplining myself :((( it sucks bc i rlly want to get stonger and gain muscle. if anyone has any tips to stay consistent pls tell me!

also my mom wont let me get a pull up bar bc she thinks im going to tear to wall down??? idk 💀 she wants me to do pilaties(guys i cant spell) or yoga, but she dosent know that i workout loll



i absolutely loveee shopping. a while back i went to the mall w my friends and i had so much funn (i also brought/wore my tail!) also apparently theres a miniso at my mall??! bc i did not know that and had already spent 100 combined at hot topic at claires ( TДT) i love miniso <3 but i got necklaces, a spiked choker (is that how u spell that? ive been staring at that word for too long and it disent even feel like a work anymore T^T) and a black square and pink heart checkered belt a hot topic, a fishnet crop top, leg warmers and a belt chain to match w my bestie from claires, a hatsune miku poster, a lime fizzy faz and a white peach flavored izuku midorya soda from fye, and finally, a portable/handheld mirror and a lip gloss stick (kara beauty, shade cherry babe) from miniso! also, i mentioned earlier that i was wearing my tail, and at miniso someone (who im guessing was a therian) came up to me and asked if i was a therian. of course i panicked(im bad a social interaction lol) and said no, while knowing that I HAD A THERIAN FRIEND IN THE SAME STORE AND I COULDVE INTRODUCED HIM  ( >Д<) so ofc i went up to my friend and told them what happened and we both sorta panick-searched the store for the person that came up to me. eventully i found them (thank goodness) and introduced/took them to my friend (YIPPI) idk what happened bc i didnt want to awkwardly stand nearby so i just went to go look in the beauty section (i also saw a person w a trans mask there :)))) ) also my friend (im pretty sure his user is loser) found a dipper hat (gravity falls)!!!! after that i we went to a couple more stores and got boba (i didnt bc i didnt have a lot of money left) and that was pretty much it :))) overall an eventful and fun day (YIPPI)



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✨L E O✨

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fizzy faz so crockpot

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by mantis >:3; ; Report