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Memories of a Millennial 1987-2010 Part 3

The elderly of my youth  

I remember the elderly in those days of the "90"s as different. They were more kind and intelligent. Slower paced. The earliest memory of them I have was around 1989. My grandmother would always talk to our neighbor who's property was in back of our small yard. Her name was Cricket. She was born in the south and at the time would have been close to 85. I have a distinct memory of her resting her arms on the green chain link fence her sad eyes and face looking at me. She was in a dark purple colored outfit with flared pants and it was dressy. The kercheif around her neck (a sort of scarf) was white and dark yellow, like gold. A very 1970's appearance. The other elder was Uncle Jack a friend of the family, but I never knew him well enough. However I did know both sets of great grandparents and some of their siblings. The oldest friend I have ever had was (Mildred) May Bailey. She was born August 1st, 1910. She remembered hearing of the Lusitania sinking in May of 1915. Another memory she related to me was when her father died in 1917. He and his wife were originally from Baltimore and Mildred remembered riding on the way to the cemetery in a horse drawn hurse. The coffin was inside and there were bench seats on either side. Her grandmother chewed tobacco and Mildred remembered being worried about her grandmother's teeth they being red from the tobacco.

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