Silly little secret

Last year for the last 2-3 months of school I would listen to music in class and nobody caught me😭 the only people who knew about it were the 3 other people in my friend group. One of the people in my friend group, aka my pookie Sunny, was the one who gave me the idea because she would always wear headphones in class and say they were for fashion. Nobody caught me because I wore earbuds and put them under my hair, but one time my Social studies/writing teacher (she’s both) saw that I wore earbuds and fucking told me to put them away like 10 times over the span of 2-3 months(;ω;) she was a bitch and I’m glad I’m going to another school next year. Fun fact: I still listen to the same Spotify playlist every day lmao

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syeverlong's profile picture

dam thats smart i might try doing that ╰ (´꒳`) ╯

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Yeah, make sure you don’t get caught tho… cuz GODDD it sucks

by Ahumanbeing !!; ; Report


kazzxi's profile picture

I also wore my bluetooth earbuds in class for about 3 months and never got caught lol. I would use my crappy cheap wired earbuds, semi connect them to my school laptop, and have the earbuds on the outside of my ear.
I feel so proud able to get away with it :3

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Wait that’s a such a good idea(._.) I would just wear them under my hair and wouldn’t get caught lmao

by Ahumanbeing !!; ; Report