the earth is flat. 

if you disagree i think youre retarded,, dont bring any bullshit 'time zone' talk up either because time zones arent fucking real and are just a scam by the online world, its a flat circle which is bent into a tube, nasa is just a way to push round earth propagada into your gullible little brains, and you know who i think began this big lie of a spherical earth? kanye west. thats right fuckers KANYE WEST started this lie in order to promote his music and you all believed it. well i know the truth. i know the earth is flat. "then why cant we see forward infinitely? because rendering distance you dumb bitch can you see pluto? i think not, so shut up because im right. stop being oblivious to what is the real, flat, beatiful earth. "well wheres the edge adam?" there is no edge its a flat circle curled into a tube and the 2 empty ends are bordered by illusionary portals. if you flew a plane through, the portals (which you cannot see apart from the illusion they give) would bring you to the other edge. become enlightened to the fucking reality of our planet. kanye west has fooled all of you mother fuckers.

10 Kudos


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alyx.xp's profile picture

this is what ive been saying!!!!

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Atlas's profile picture

Yk what, whether this entry is serious or not, it's super fucking funny and I love it regardless XD

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✧ǂꮺ's profile picture

it has been proveb MULTIPLE TIMES that the earth is NOT flat. I dont believe it is in a perfect circle either. But it isn't flat like how maps print it out to be. And even IF the earth was flat I don't think gravity or living on this planet would bebthe same because of the tilt of our axis as well as the fact that we are JUST the perfect space away from the sun to be living.

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𓆩♡𓆪 kenny/valentino

𓆩♡𓆪 kenny/valentino's profile picture

close enough welcome back joe rogan

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Unhallowed's profile picture

its all kanyes fault

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R4tp3lter's profile picture

hey y'all this is my first day in the group and i just wanted to start off with a rant about what my GD kids are learnin in school. They came home talkin about the moon cycles and this and that about how the earth rotates around the sun and let me tell ya I was FIRED UP
i need some advice on how to reason with my kids. how do I explain to my sons that the EARTH IS FLAT and the only thing
FLATTER is the chest of that dumb girl he keeps bringing home

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TheProtogenBoi8902's profile picture

i am not agreeing on this one but i respect your opinion. have a wonderful day.
(i gave 2 kudos cuz idk)

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Chudette's profile picture


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yami >_<

yami >_<'s profile picture

for bring on the "writing and poetry" category. your grammar is quite bad. just a heads up brother.

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☆ Dalida ☆

☆ Dalida ☆'s profile picture

Uhm is this for real?

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why the fuck wouldnt it be??????

by adam (¬_¬”); ; Report

ryry (lord of cats)

ryry (lord of cats)'s profile picture

ok ill take ur word 💪

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thanks for being enlightened

by adam (¬_¬”); ; Report