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Category: Games

Just a ramble about how much I love Nintendo

I'ma just ramble a little cuz idk what you're supposed to write here really.

Mario kart is one of the best games to play on the planet, second to Mario 64 or any legend of Zelda games. I'm such a big Nintendo fan and I absolutely love all the Mario games, legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong, ect. On the Nintendo 64 my brother has, he has a bunch of games on it and it's freaking cool cuz it's got James Bond (Golden eye) and donkey Kong and Mario kart, Mario Golf, Mario 64, rampage. Really it's just got the whole bundle and I can't tell you how much I enjoy sitting on a bean bag with a capre sun, popcorn and play a few rounds on Mario kart before switching to Mario 64. It's so fun and relaxing and it brings back memories from my childhood when I'd play on the Nintendo GameCube and I'd play Super Mario party. Ah, good old days.

Literally, I can't explain how much I love Nintendo shit. If you know a bunch of nerdy knowledge about it and like to take a deep dive into these conversations please hit me up so we can talk about it.

It's like my pride and joy and I would literally love you if you ramble on about Nintendo games to me.

2 Kudos


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Ali's profile picture

I want a Nintendo switch so bad but I'm not privileged to being able to have one since my mother doesn't really like video games like I do. :/ i can dream though.

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foxybossj's profile picture

YESSSS i love nintendo sooo much i've literally been playing mario karts for basically my whole life - fromwii to nintendo 3ds to nintendo switch. I rlyy hope u eventually get that switch coz its soooooo worth it.

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MannySDF's profile picture

Dude honestly relatable, I am a big nintendo fan and I would always be on my 3DS playing Super Mario 3D Land or playing one of my Nintendo DS cartidge games.

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Bro sameee, I didn't have a 3DS but it was fun to sit in the living room when my dad was on business trips and just play Mario kart. It was the little things that made me happy, lol

by Ali; ; Report

If you had a nintendo switch, I would 100% add you I´ve been wanting to play it with friends for a long time especially with games like Super Mario Wonder

by MannySDF; ; Report