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Proship opinions (Spoiler: i dont fuck with it)

So as a person who has a special interest in fandom spaces as a whole, ships as a really big thing for me. And as a person who enjoys shipping and the like, its again a big thing for me. But with that being said, i hate the proship/profiction community.

Before i start going off, lemme lay out how this is going to go and the definistions that I will be using and referencing. i will not be tolerating any sort of harassment towards people who are proshippers/ comshippers on my blog, despite how i feel about the community as a whole. However, i am not your father and as long as its not messing with my blog space, idgaf what you do in your free time.

Definitions im using:

Profiction- Of the belief that people can write/draw about whatever they want and shouldnt be harassed for it, even if the content is seen as morally reprehensible.

Proship- Of the belief that people should not be harassed for the things that they ship, even if you do not agree with the ships in question. Not all proshippers actually ship controversial things.

Comship- Complex/complicated ships. These are one of the shipping labels that proshippers have made. Not all of these ships are immoral/illegal or weird. These ships can include: Human x Nonhuman (not animal), enemies to lovers ships, immortal x mortal, minor power imbalances, large age gaps between adults, ships that break characters canon sexualities and more. Comshippers are the ones who actually ship these things. These ships are the most wildly accepted outside of proship spaces as they do not talk about topics of illegal/immoral nature. A lot of popular ships in a lot of fandoms are com ships.

Darkship- The taboo end of shipping. These ships are the ones that consist of the immoral and illegal. Examples of dark ships are: adult x minor, abuser x victim, incest, extreme power imbalance, ships that consist of n3crophilia, and more. Darkshippers are the ones who ship these.

Okay, with that out of the way, how i feel about these things. I think the community as a whole has honestly got to get its shit together. Now, i am not a part of this community, but i have been observing it for a while and i feel as if there has been way too much acceptance in it. 

"Now Judas, its a community about acceptance." You may say and i respond to that with *loudass incorrect buzzer sound* The Proship label promote a lack of harassment, not blind acceptance for the things that people ship. You can disagree with people and think that they actions that they take and the things that they like/ship are wrong without it being harassment. In fact, that's normal to do. But in the proship community now, people arent disagreeing with the fucked up ships that people are shipping. In fact, people are saying that these ships are good ships and should be more accepted. There are people who actually think that ships between minors and adults are good and should be seen as a positive thing and canon, and people arent even trying to explain how these ships are wrong. 

One of the biggest reasons and justifications that ive seen from comshipping/ being proship is that it is a coping mechanism used by some people.popele like to say that the act of projecting all of their trauma onto the characters they like helps them better cope with what happened to them. And to that I say, yes and fuck no. im going to be honest, i have a lot of trauma and one of the ways that i deal with that is through writing. i have characters that i project my problems onto and i have characters that i have made that are stand ins for my abusers. with how i write my characters, there are things touched on in the stories that are morally wrong and reprehensible. there is gore, assault, violence, age gaps, power imbalances and more, all things that could fall under com/darkship labels. but the biggest differences between what i write and the things that com/darkshippers do is that 1. i keep all of these stories to myself and 2. i do not, in any way, try and romantisize these situations/people in them. I acknowlege that the actions of some of my characters are horrible and they are not good people and they relationships that they are in are not cute or healthy, i dont act as if the dynamics between them are anything but what they are, horrible. People who are open com/dark shippers 99.9% of the time, act as if they people in their ships are so good for each other and 'couple goals' when one of them is literally being called a p3dophile and the other is being described as having to cry themselves to sleep due to the others actions.

The way that these ships are being presented is wrong. They arent being given the appropriate treatment based of the topics in them. The actions of the people in the ships are being watered down and no longer being treated as such a bad thing any more in a lot of these ships. Acts of grooming and assault are being treated as if they are normal romatic things, which brings me to another point. The amount of minors in the community is concerning. Now, i understand projecting onto characters that you relate to and like (its better of you keep it to yourself and maybe a therapist/councelor) but with how gross the rest of the community is and how horrible actions are being normalized and romanticized, it can lead to the minors in the community normalizing disguisting behaviors. I am, again, not for the harassment of anybody, but i feel as if it is wrong to foster a community that puts minors at risk. 

And lastly in this point, I feel as if there are people who ship these horrible ships for shits and giggles/ because the genuinely like them. People will use these ships to consume content surrounded around their specific sexual deviances, such as wanting to commit acts of incest, p3dophilia, assault

There have been a few comebacks to the pushback against the proship community that i would like to touch on and give my thoughts on.

"It's not real/Fiction doesn't effect reality"-

Starting off with the one i see the most, mosly coming from dark shippers. I think this is the stupidest think ive ever read. i and many others know that the things that com/dark shippers ship are not real. but why do you ship these things then? If its to cope with trauma than you are going against the 'doesn't effect reality' point because then it does. If its used to cope or make you better grasp/ understand/ deal with trauma, them it does effect real life as you are a living, breathing person in the real world that your com/dark shipping is effecting. And if you aren't shipping these things for the purpose of coping, then that means you just want to consume ships of horrible things, which doesn't make you look too good.

"But people create/like slasher movies and its fine/socially accepted"

People who make slasher movies arent making the killers out to be these 'normal guys'. they are writing bad people, doing bad things and tell you as such. people who like slashers and dont try and romanticize the actions of the killer are fine, but those who act like the killers actions are fine and normal, arent. we can all acknowlegde that. and if you want to bring up the killing of kids in horror, i dont like it. it a cheap and kinda fucked scare tactique as it targets the vulnerable part of people that know that kids are defenseless and shoudlnt be harmed in anyway.

"But you write things that are com ships/darkships'"

*incorrect buzzer sound* No. I do not. I write, again, horrible people doing horrible things and i acknowlegde that they are such. i do not write about these horrible characters in any sort of positive light, as i know that the actions that i write about are bad and should be portrayed and treated as such. i do not write about these characters as i would a healthy relationship, because they arent one and shouldn't be normalized to the point of being considered one. i dont write these for some sort of personal sexual gratification, but to help me keep from bottling up my trauma or for horror purposes. they are never portrayed in a romantic light because they are not romantic relationships. also, i could NEVER be out here writing fucking minor x adult things, cuz there is fr no reason to be doing all that, coping or not. I dont even like when its touched on in horror/thriller settings because that is just a low blow for grossout factor.

and before anyone can say it, I do touch grass. I just have the oddest special interests and no place to infro dump/ opinion share. is this a chronically online thing to talk about, yes. am i treating it like its a big thing offline outside of personal engagement in the space, no. this is only really a thing in the proship community as far as ive seen and it doesn't;t really effect other parts of the fandoms too much.

anyways, that was a judas ramble/rant. I'm open to hearing others opinions on the topic. just be respectful and if i was being too rude, fell free to tell me. have a good day.

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