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Category: Life

💚 diary #6 ❤️ 6/6/2024 💚

almost a little TOO tired to write tonight but i want to keep this going so much !! 

i hate how when i type something i instantly see/recognize it as my "bf"'s texting voice so much. and now i'm changing the way i write and type and speak to avoid sounding like him because i just don't wanna be around/near/be similar to him in the slightest.

today was really long and eventful...... i had class today and our first test is in a week.???? i feel really good about the material so far though, justhave to lock in this weekend....... it's really easy in my opinion, but i should have reviewed more before class today.

we also had our first lab but we didn't do any experiments. my old lab partner from last fall was there and she wasn't my lab partner again and i feel offended over it for some reason..... but whatever. my lab partner now is this nice girl named brittney. she's a little quiet but she was involved in the check in we were doing. i think she might have a condition or something where she can't stand for a while, so she had to have a chair brought in for her

so the lab check in this spring.... our teacher just let us do it and he wasn't very helpful about it. but this summer, i have a different teacher and he went through andshowed us what each part should look like. the tools for this chemistry class are really weird. some of the beakers and flasks are so tiny, they're doll sized and they're adorable. some of the stuff looks like tiny pipes and showerheads and we had two little glass bowls full of SAND and we had to keep the sand in there

i don't like labs at all but i'm hoping these will be fun. the chemicals can do serious damage to us lol. one of the policies they have is that if you spill it on your clothes, another student of the same gender as you goes with you to the bathroom. you change in the stall, and they stay outside the stall to make sure you don't pass out. unfortunately there's only one male student in the class

he's the one with the harry potter tattoos and is really smart. i think he REALLY wants to be an emt or something, since he is always wearing a shirt that says he volunteers at an ER and i saw him reading a book about emergency medicine during our ten minute class break time.

class is so long. it's from 12:40 to 1:40 and then we have a ten minute break. then we go 1:50 to 2:45, and then lab is at 3. and that has time blocked out to go until 5:45. i don't think we'll go beyond 5 though 

idk i just hate labs but how do you discover new stuff without them????? idk !!!!!

so yeah. then when our check in was done it was like 4 pm and i had to be at church at 6 so i went to target and asked my friend to come with me but she took FOREVER to get there. i bought some bio oil, facial moisturizer, salicylic acid body wash, a loofah, a mini cleansing balm, this absolutely divine heavenly vanilla body lotion, and some candy cane lip gloss/chapstick leftover from christmas because of course i did!!!!!!

my friend got there and she bought some new shampoo and hair bows. then we drove to ulta and she got something else i forgot what it was. at ulta they had some pineapple body scrubs that smelled really good thati almost got, and this rainbow sherbert one that was kind of lime-y. i LOVED both but i spent like 60 dollars at target so i'm just gonna make my own at home. they also had some christmas and halloween candles on clearence. and i looked at the kopari area but they didn't have lip glossy and philosophy didn't have anything. philosophy at dillard's always has more fun stuff. idk i just want it to  be christmas i  want all of the christmas things grrr

so yeah after ulta i drove her back to target so she could get in her car, then we went to church for a summer kickoff party. my mom did soda drinks and i got this coconut peach one and i was so thirsty i drank it instantly. we had hot dogs and hamburgers for dinner with some chips, and there were brownies and cupcakes and all that. i had a hot dog and some cheetos but my frined ATE LIKE 3 BAGS OFF OF MY PLATE?????

so then we played kahoot and did some old testament bible trivia and i actually got third place <3

afterward ice cream was brought out.  i had a caramel drumstick which i haven't had in so long and it was amazing. i tried to talk to some people and i wish i had talked more but i didn't end up doing that. i really want to reach out and make friends and be sociable and sweet and friendly, but sometimes i fail.

once ice cream was eaten we got in a circle to play a game called mafia. basically 3 people were the mafia, one person was the detective, and one person was the doctor. everyone closed their eyes and the mafia picked one person to kill. then the doctor could pick any person to heal in the night and hope they picked the person the mafia targetted. after that, people had to discuss in the day who the mafia was and vote people out. the detective could make anyone tell the group their role no matter what. i don't really like games like this, so i was hoping to be a townsperson so i could stay quiet

and then i was the detective

so now i had to pay attention.  i couldn't reveal myself too early since then the mafia would target me!!!!!!

we voted one of the three members out instantly and there was a lot of cheering. then this other guy got voted out so now it was just one mafia member left. one guy was super into it, and was CONVINCED. that my friend was the remaining member. i wanted to defend her and her honor, so i stood up and asked to use my detective power!!!! and i asked her what her role was. she would then say townsperson, and that way the people would stop voting her. 

i stood up , and used my power, and there was a lot of talking and rustling bc OMG DETECTIVE REVEAL. and then........ she said....... She was the mafia

so i ended up winning the game!!!!

the next round i thought SURELY. i will be a townsperson. Nope i was the doctor

i was able to heal one person, because i got out of the game early on, which was fine, because then i could just eat chips. the guy running the game for us kept saying the doctor would wake up and heal people even after i was out, and HE KNEW IT, and people started saying stuff like "this doctor is terrible let's fire him!!!!!!!" and then i said something like "THIS DOCTOR SUCKS..... CAN WE REPLACE HIM...." and this one guy tapped myarm really hard and laughed a lot lol

my friend was THE MAFIA AGAIN. and she won that game herself but the game moderator guy helped her out

also, the setting of the game was 1997..... LIKE SPAMTON.......!

so then i helped clean up and drove myself home...... felt sleepy.... listened to undertale music on the way home...........

oh, my outfit was really cute today. i went to target too to look for clothes but i DIDNT FIND ANYTHING I LIKED so i guess i need to go to the thrift store next or something. anyway my outfit was like a red/black flannel skirt, white converse, a black shirt ( wish it were a polo) and then i put my hair in a ponytail with a red scrunch and i just felt adorable

haha i can hear my sister talkking about omori. omori just makes me sad now . i miss omo. i think his name was omo because of omori lol

me and him.......basil and omori........................................

okay well, nothing else happened, except the candy cane lip gloss/balm doesn't smell like anything and i'm really sad about it

see you later !!!!!!!!!

Listening To: Toby Fox - Quiet Water
Mood: Sleepy

2 Kudos


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☆⦻𖦹Rudy°‧★🍉's profile picture

OH MY GOD MAFIAS R SO FUNNN i love playing mafia in my country we have a mafia variant called the werewolf game it's basically the same thing but instead it's villagers (with some having special powers like the witch who can resurrect or kill someone, the little girl who can spy on the werewolf or the angel who has to die on the first turn or else they loose) against the werewolves and the objective is to eliminate the other team, it's so fun ^_^
Omori makes me so sad every time i think about it ohmygodkdhehshvsvs

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it's called one night ultimate werewolf or something and they love it
it's an app and iremember the first time we played it they made cards out of pizza boxes

is omori worth playing ??????
im kind of avoiding it now bc it remindsme of a friend that left me but like i think i could get over it LOL

by holidaygirl1225; ; Report