Media I Think Needs More Recognition. Article 1. Who Will Run the Frog Hospital by Lorrie Moore

Media I Think Needs More Recognition

Article 1: Who Will Run the Frog Hospital?

      I've never written an actual, formal blog before, so please bare with me. Furthermore, sorry for any grammatical mistakes! I'll run this through grammarly, but it's not perfect. If we're not friends and you don't know the slightest thing about me, I go by Cece. I love music, literature, and coffee. I might not be the best writer, but I'll try my hardest to share my passions with anyone willing to listen.

     As far as this blog goes, I've noticed that I, like many others, have fallen into this trap of only consuming the trendiest media. Of course, it's popular for a reason, but small creators deserve just as much recognition. My goal of this blog is to convince, if even only one person, to experience a piece of art they might not have ever come into contact with otherwise.

     The start of my sophomore year, Who Will Run the Frog Hospital? by Lorrie Moore was one of the first books I picked up. The cover wasn't overly eye-catching, and Moore wasn't an author I'd heard of previously, but the back cover drew me in with its modest description of the book. No dragons, no unnecessary theatrics, no baiting with dramatic syntax. Just a raw description of a grown women's nostalgia for her youth and female friendship. Of course, I was hooked.

      Who Will Run the Frog Hospital is one of the few books I've read in my life that has truly shaken me to the core with its simplistic beauty. Through a sequence of flashbacks to her teenage years, the main character, Berie, paints a portrait of adolescent bliss, jarring decisions, and the trials teenagers experience; It contrasts greatly with her present-time life, in which she is in a practically loveless relationship with her husband and experiences France with little enthusiasm. 

     This is a pretty short blog because I'm getting pretty tired. I wish I could do this novel more justice, it's such a masterpiece. If you enjoy reading about female friendship, teenage recklessness, insecurity, or adolescent nostalgia and fancy yourself poignant, powerful writing, I would give Who Will Run the Frog Hospital a read through. It's relatively short, but you will feel empty and yet somehow fulfilled after completing it.

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