idk why we use AI tbh
i mean, everything we use AI for, can be replicated via a simple program on a computer not needing AI at all
besides, the more i improve my AI design the more perfect it becomes resulting it in just being the same as a computer...
take for example those demos where you write a number and AI chooses what number is closest to it... i can make that using a singular ROM chip...
so what tf is AI even for???? when inputs can have a predetermined output without "training" and still have it on par or above our AI tech already?
aside from that little rant i improved my AI design regardless, thus the whole rant.
my improvements turned neurons into IF statements and the connecting lines between them a simple calculator that reduces the output by some determined degree if there is a output from the if statement.
if input1 = >0.2 and <0.4
then output1 = true
if output1 = true
then subtract x value
(idk how to code so thats 100% wrong im just going based on what i seen before)
but its so simple????
the top portion is the neurons again and the bottom the connecting lines to every other neuron it attaches to. but again we can make a computer with perfect outputs given the inputs you have so why do we need a AI and waste time training it when a computer can do everything already perfectly?
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