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Category: Life

2014-15 Tumblr Revival??

Dude... Once again I'm fkn obsessed with re-living my Tumblr phase. Does anyone here use Tumblr?

If my summer doesn't feel like this picture nor sound like Memories by David Guetta, I'm breaking my own knee caps.

I'm currently obsessed with the girly side of tumblr and the indie/grunge side of it too. I'm going insane, gimme my tattoo choker NEOW

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cl0wn's profile picture

I sometimes wish I could go back to the tumblr era with my current mindset because I missed out on it at the time and I think I'd probably enjoy it a lot. I mean, I would probably get plenty mad at it too but that's just the price of using the internet.

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THIS, i would also enjoy it a lot more because tbh I arrived a lil too late :(

by Jade; ; Report

Sometimes being chronically late to the party really is a curse most foul.

by cl0wn; ; Report