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Category: Life

Come learn about me and my life

well you know my name by now if your reading this but if not hiii im angelica but everyone just calls me ariel because of the read hair. I was born in fresno california but rasied mostly tulare california though. 3 weeks after my birth my mom and father split up. Not because of me or anything but because my father had thought it would be a good idea to try and go marry another female in texas well being married to my mom. now at this point they had been married for 15 years they had been togther since high school they had 3 kids togther a whole freakin life. But my father still cheated her abused her was additced to drugs and beer and was just a complete dumbass. My mom put up with all of though but the day she found that he was going to some that chick she packed up my brother, sister and I in the car then processed to try and hit him with that car and then leaves takes us to disneyland and just tryed to figurre it out (when she found out all that she was getting ready to take us to disneyland). When we got back we moved in with my grandparents and she left him. She always told me that if my father would have changed and would have wanted better for himself and his kids she would have went back to him because she loved him but because he still wanted to do his dumb shit she stayed gone. Fast forward 3 years later shees working 3 jobs has her own apartment rasing my brother who at the time was 7 my sister who at the time was 5 or six and me who is 3. She made it all by herself my father was off god knows were doing god knows what while my worked her ass off. Around this 3rd year of my parents being split up she meet my step father. From the story I was told she was supposed to go on a date but the guy stood her up she ended up falling asleep my brother who at the time was 7 woke her and asked what had happened she told him she got stood up. He told her to go out because she was all dressed and deserved to go some were. Now my mom told me she was going to say no because she had already canceled are babysitter but he told her that he will watch us girls because he know what to do if we woke up and that she knew she would only be gone a few hours and if anything happens he is to call her or if its an emergency to call 911. So my mom deside to go to a bar that was close by to her apartment...... I'll post a part 2 some time soon comment if you think i should even do a part 2

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Babie.girlxo's profile picture

What happened after ur mom went to the bar? I need pt2, but I’m sorry for what happened with your dad. Dads r so shit when they don’t even need to be, sometimes they legit choose to be shitty people, but I’m glad you’ve got such a loving dedicated mom to support you

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