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Category: Blogging

Guess who's back!! (has it really been 10 months?)

WOO has it really been 10 months since I've been online oh how the tides have taken me under.

Godess where do I even start? I got my license finally, I've only got 2 pack members now, I'm attending online college course, and I am my elder pack members care taker!

Getting my license was such a hassle I do not ever want to have to go through that ever again. My tester lady was obnoxious and terrible at giving directions but I passed in one go so no worries there.

Remeber when I mentioned distancing and cutting off long standing pack members? Yeah I rarely talk to them any more besides Moth, Were-racc, and Half-elf, but even then I only ever spend my days chatting to Moth and Racc. H-Elf is still with siren so I try not to be around them as much but be there for them.

I am attending a college! and for FREE!!! I mean not entirely my mother starting working there and I get the benefits of getting my bachelors extremely reduced. (That made a certain somebodies boyfriend pissy but this isn't about them) I am excited to say that I am one step closer to being a stable and responsible adult. 

Onto somethings that aren't as great and happy. I am my elder pack members care taker, she is now on dyalisis and as of a week ago I have been attending training to become more familiar with the process so that we can do it at home. I will probably be writing an entirely different post about the toll that is taking on me mentally but for now that's the jist of it. Due to the training 4 times a week 6 hours a day I don't have time for a job hence the reason I am doing college online and not in-person even though the school is 15 minutes away. 

I haven't seen my friends much but we have a pool party plan idea for sometime when it gets hotter (it is already hitting 102 so soon) and I can't wait to chill fish fake magnet fish toys and watch movies.

Romatic life update uhh no new updates besides I am a sad pan wolf. I used to have a terrible crush on Racc back in the day and I have to say that has gone away but not completely I don't think I could ever stop loving someone. Also they have a boyfriend who I am also fond of. I should mention I might be poly and demi. My attention and focus however is mainly on Moth and I am terribly smitten I can't stop imaging a life where we have a home and a cat or dog or lizard or spider snake fish hell even a kid if she wanted one. I would never burden her with my feelings because I know I am not her type but if she ever needed me or gave us a chance I would be there in a heartbeat. 

Your favorite werewolf is back, aged and traumatized, probably.

-Overworked and anxious dog

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