Hello everyonezz!! This is my first blog, im so excited!! 0_< My mom said i can get any pet for my b-day that's in july!! (its on the 20th) YIPPIEE!! :3 

   The problem is that i don't really have an idea of what i want :,c !! So i wanted to come and ask u guyz for pet recommendations/suggestionzz!! I have a rarley big hous3 and enough money, but the real question is what animal should 1 get??? >-< 

    I alwayszz been intrested in cats, but n3ver got to get one since my older sister is allergic, but now since she's moved out, i could get a catzz!! :3 But 1 also rlly like insects :3 !! I would love to learn about / have a kool insect pet XD !! 


      I dont really know yet, so im hoping i can get some kewl suggestions!! 

Thank you!! XD 



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