obligatory look at my little people that i have an unhealthy obsession with

if i have an opportunity to share the stank the stank will be shared   givne i will remove it probably in a short period of time  but i love my littel people  y little people i am so painfully obsessed with        i have been #artblocked for a hawt minute so this is either not very good or a lot of it is VERy old actually a majority of this is old cuz i've been on my mspaint grind reencently BEHOLD MY BRAIN EATING AMOEBAS hpepfily these images work  my killdozer gif worked in the prevoous blog but i am overloading this blog with doodles 

those    who know me outside of s[acehey  don't mind me just  gushing about my peepole everywhere and anywhere (i ahve a photo of them in a heart shaped locket i wear every day(

nd thes r tghe same peepole but baby edition

puts them in a jar and shakes them until they are butterKABLAMMMM

clarly i have a bias

4 Kudos


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Time_Keeper's profile picture

These are gold. I’m stealing >:)

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pleas leave my little men alone theyr'e all i hbave to live for

by allen; ; Report

can we share i'll even just have them on weekends you can have them 5 days a week i jsut can't lvie like this

by allen; ; Report

Aye, you may have weekends. *sails away on my pirate ship*

by Time_Keeper; ; Report

yargg thank you matey you won't regret it letting me keep me pirates booty for the weekend yarg

by allen; ; Report