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💚 diary #4 ❤️ 6/4/2024 💚

today was far more eventful than the other two days. i went to bed at 3 AM AGAIN?????? but that's because i was talking to poppy. but I GOT UP at like 10:30 which tbf is the best so far. i have got to fix my sleep schedule but i love being alive and being awake so much. my friend/roommate is always getting up at like 2 am to go to the gym and be at work by 4:30. I know she does this because I can hear her 3 or 4 alarms going off for an hour beforehand. Maybe that's why I can't sleep???

After that I got ready to go to my summer class :( I wore this one outfit again because it makes me feel good about myself (but with a different sweater) and when I went downstairs my mom asked me if I needed new clothes which...... Yeah I Guess I do.

I NEEEEEEDED to feel confident today because I had to sit through the class and then ASK the teacher if I can join the class. I was really freaking out over it, and once again my mom asked me why it was such a big deal. I still don't know tbh

drove to class and this one guy followed behind me trying to make me go faster than the speed limit for like 10 minutes........ people like that scare me so bad

so I got to class and I parked in my normal parking spot and went to class... Since the class is in summer it's condensed into one month, so the lecture part of class is from like 12:40 to 2:45 with a break in the middle, and then a lab class from 3-4:45. I already took a class from this teacher though and half the time he lets us out of class early

when I got there, I saw like 3 or 4 people I already knew, including my lab partner from last fall. I want to be friends with him, but i think i'm too "naive" to be her friend. he's nice but they're one of those people whose whole life is work and school, and idk, it's hard to explain. i've had people mistake me for being 15-16 years old and i thought she was like 20 when i met her. But her fashion is really cool, she has a pixie cut and a lot of piercings and everytime i see her she as a new hair colour

there was also this one really skinny smart guy from last semester. I had no idea he had so many harry potter tattoos

and the girl from vietnam was there too and we talked about banana milk since she was drinking some...... i love banana milk

so class started... somebody on the student tutoring services team came and said she had a study group going, which is before class starts, so I think i'm gonna go to that. I think it will help me when i'm a TA this fall and our first test is in about a week

we did some review......... learned how to draw some diagrams of hydrocarbons. i think this class will be very easy, especially if i'm studying outside of class. Since it's summer and all i'll be probably be doing is ballet and video games I will have a lot of time

got home and made a really nice sandwhich.... then i took like a 30 minute nap and my family left and i got to be home alone !!!!!!!!!!

tell me why people on hypixel can be so terrible sometimes....... someone just went "gg i hope you're having a horrible day!" 
i think i just feel worse since i was the murderer last round and now i'm shaking

everything scares me all the time i went to get ice cream from the fridge in the garage but the light wouldn't turn on and then i heard a scary noise and i screamed

oh yeah yesteryday on hypixel i was the murderer and someone fired their bow to shoot me but i got out of the way and they shot someone else who was innocent which killed them AND the innocent. I felt so cool

so i made peppermint hot chocolate....... did more stuff for my profile. i added a cursor, and it's supposed to turn yellow when you hover, but it doesn't correctly line up with the cursor so it's VERY frustrating to use. i'm gonna fix it in a sec

i listened to music too.... talked to poppy....... and I filled out a survey thing like 2007. I made a post about it here and anyone can do it too !!!!!

meand poppy want to match discord icons and i was gonna look for some but. I never actually did. so i guess i'll do that after i post this

my parents brought home taco bell too YAAYAYA and i love taco bell. the dorito tacos are my favourite thing of all time

my . Partner . also texted with me back and forth today. i really really don't know why i'm still with him. if i don't love him, why do i keep acting like i do????? it's a horrible thing to do but i don't want to make him upset or break his heart or anything. if i make him dislike me, maybe that way, he will just leave on his own, and that way, no one gets hurt

oh, i renamed my black and white cat in petz to Buffoon because he's stupid in glitter force they fight buffoons

it rained a little bit today...... rain makes me so happy. i wish it had rained more, and it SHOULD have, since i got like three flash flood warnings, and our severe weather radio went off.

finally....... i learned how to use HTML in the blogs as well. so now everything is pretty and it matches!! i've got to figure out how to adjust it to my liking but i think this is fine!!!

couple other things....... I really wanted to make my own au like underswap but for deltarune. i thought it would be neat to swap asriel/dess and kris/noelle, but for the LIFE of me,  I cannot think of a single person to swap berdly with except lancer. i know most people just switch w noelle but  i want to be creative and omg 

hehe there's a person on minecraft with the name "ilysky" THATS MY NAME

apparently there's been a lot of gore going around too..... and that scares me. i've never seen it, since i don't go and look at recent people or recent layouts or anything. well, i DID see some, but the way it was...... it didn't *really* register in my brain as gore. but i used to go and look at anime gore photos when i was a dumb child so maybe that's why

okay i think i'm done talking!!! byeeeeeee!!!

- sky 🎄

Listening To: Toby Fox - Fallen Down (Reprise)
Mood: Normal

Baby Blue Snowflake

0 Kudos


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