Charlie :3's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

DNI/BYF stuff yeah yeah

Basic DNI criteria I'm too lazy to list them all you already know what they are. 

DNI frank iero haters!!!!! I want u dead!!

DNI hardcore anime fans u guys freak me out bro (regular ones are chill)

DNI anyone under 13

Anyone 13 and above ur cool 😁👍

if ur 12 why are you on here wtf! 

DNI anyone who can't take a joke it's really not that deep take a chill pill

DNI dsmp fans sorry #stay away #u suck  

I'm not a fan of ed/shtwt btw but I don't care if you are unless ur on the evil side of it you know what evil side I'm talking about u guys know what I mean 

so DNI evil ed/shtwt users!!!!!!! 

Okay now some things u should know (BYF)

I'm almost never serious most of what I say is ironic I swear bro pls 

I have BPD (diagnosed) so idk just keep that in the back of ur mind if you talk to me not a big deal not a big deal  I never ever bring it up though cause I don't like sounding cringe

I'll keep my morals/opinions on things to myself unless I think you're just like me fr and u bring it up first because I'd rather remain cool and mysterious otherwise

I do say the f slur because I think it's funny and I'm allowed 

Also, I make kms/kys jokes but I won't if ur a crybaby about it 🙄 ( but fr I wont :3 )

You can talk to me about anything ever in the world and I won't be uncomfortable cause I don't care I don't really judge because I'm probably worse or smth idk

I'm rude a little bit </3 :(

Boundaries cause I'm a party pooper:

While I do struggle with SH and anorexia I'm fine with jokes about those topics just don't call me fat as a joke or I'll kms and put you in my note

Don't make fun of me or I'll cry ☹️

and uhhhhhh ill add if i think of anything else yeah buddy yeah buddy

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