Why you should always drink your milk

When your mom tells you to drink your milk, you should drink it. If you are lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy, take a lactose pill or find a different kind of milk like almond or soy milk. Your mom tells you to drink your milk for a reason. She wants you to be big and strong when you get older. Milk also helps with muscle growth. 

And here is why you should drink your milk for the rest of your life.

You will be strong enough to fight bad guys and the bullies at school. You will less likely break a bone. I have never broken a single bone in my life. Why? Because I drink milk almost everyday for my whole life. Don't drink too much milk! Just drink about 1-2 glasses a day. You will also have a big butt if you drink milk. 

Kim Kardashian did not get surgery to make her butt big. She drank a lot of milk. Milk will not give you big boobs though. My mom had a flat butt because she didn't drink milk. If you have a flat butt and want a big, plump butt, drink milk! (And also do a bunch of squats!) I do not recommend plastic surgery, people have died from that. Milk will also make you curvy. But type of milk matters. If you want to lose weight, drink low fat or non fat milk. If you want to gain weight and have a big butt, drink whole milk. I drink whole milk and I have a big butt because of it. If you have dairy sensitivities, drink a milk alternative like almond or soy milk. 

Also if you drink milk you may be strong enough to kick down locked doors, you will be strong enough to do some weightlifting, you will be strong enough to hold your younger siblings and/or relatives, you will be healthy and not sick, you will not break a bone if you fall.  Also if you have sleep issues, put a mug of milk in the microwave for 30 seconds to 1 minute but don't microwave it for too long because the milk will have a nasty white film on the top. If you like the film go ahead.

If you don't drink your milk, you won't have a big butt, you won't be strong enough to do a lot of things, you will be defeated by your bullies, you will break your bones more often, you will have sleep issues, you will live shorter, you are at risk for certain diseases, you will be less stronger than everyone in your class, you will drop things more often because you won't have a very good grip, you won't have visible abs or biceps, you will be more moody, you will have less periods and you will have less energy. Milk can also help with hormones, mood, energy, and a lot. 

After reading this, go to your fridge and get a glass of milk and DRINK it!


Princess Samantha

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Starvix's profile picture

Milk helps because of calcium and the various proteins in it. Lactase pills are not enough to break down the lactose in normal milk in order for lactose intolerant individuals to drink it with no consequence, and milk substitutes do not have the same nutrients in them. But alas I am fine.

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Wow. I think I did not do much research.

by Princess Samantha/Miss Butterfly (Jetthead era!); ; Report

The most strong advocates for milk are the people who sell it. I have seen advertisements claiming that milk hydrates better than water. Hydration is from water. It is how much water your body needs to supply the cells in your body with the proper fluids. Nothing can do that better than water. So, milk is not quite as great as many think.

by Starvix; ; Report