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that I've realized while I've been alive for 18 years.) part 2

1. if you feel like shit, I advise you to go out into nature, where there are no people (in general, where there are no people), it's best to listen to ambient music with headphones, immerse yourself in yourself and find problems on your own, if it doesn't work, then go to a psychologist, yes, many of course fuck on your problems, but still Perhaps you will find the root of your problem there.

2. before you start drinking alcohol, it is best to eat well to feel your limit and not overstep it, do not overstep it, I ask you, you will save your appearance, perhaps even your life, so DO NOT OVERSTEP IT, DO NOT EVEN TRY.

3. about your personal life, do not be afraid to approach a girl who you like, even if she has a boyfriend, you can meet him and become best friends for a century, because if you like this girl, well, for example: like how she thinks, dresses, looks, and much more, then she obviously will not find fool, if that's what happened, then you just have to wait and not cross the threshold of their personal relationship, be the best friend of your love, yes it sounds disgusting, but in war all cases are good). in no case do not suck up to the girl you like, if you like her, then just go about your business, build a foundation, you as a guy should do it, but do not overdo it so that you do not get stuck by fucking beggars who are ready to expose their pussy in front of anyone for money).

about the boyfriend of your beloved girl, you can make friends with him and learn even more about your beloved, learn a lot more than you have learned. Of course, you can write more to me, but you are not stupid, so you will understand everything yourself, I just gave advice to give a chance of your relationship with a girl that you like.

how to deceive someone who is bothering your girlfriend, I can not say, because this is already a game of brains and your knowledge about people, especially about guys, if you are a guy, then you know the thoughts of another guy, everything is not so difficult and everything is not so simple, if there is a strong person there, then you need to become stronger and better than him.

4. eat normal food, gastritis and many gastrointestinal sores will greatly affect your health in the future, do not drink a lot of energy drinks, especially when you have heart problems. If you plan to die by 25, then go ahead, but do not pull others after you, and do not upset your parents, I know it depends on which parents you have, but everything is fine, then you will regret it. if you are going to die, then die alone when you do not have parents who loved you, if there is a spirit world, then they will understand how you got to them, they actually saw and knew everything, your parents see you like glass so be happy)

5. as for parents, if you don't know how to communicate with them, I advise you to read a couple of books about psychology and parental attitude to children, I'll get tired of listing them a lot, and you have the Internet, you need to learn a little about parents, what they think, act, and about many actions, find out about their past, in order to understand what they went through with us, and you can ask a psychologist what's what, it will be very useful for you to find out how adults think so as not to make their mistakes and, perhaps, build a good successful family., it would be good, if two partners worked for the benefit of the future) good luck to you) maybe my advice will help, but I still advise you to think with your own head, then why do you need your own head? gl TAG: luaneex ITS HERE

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