guys senior class trip (CEDAR POINT???)

This year, the senior class trip was to Cedar Point, which is in Ohio. Don't know how that happened I'm not from Ohio but cool anyways. Cedar Point has some pretty epic roller coasters so I wasn't complaining. But I was worried cause I didn't really have a group to go with, my "friend group" doesn't really keep me in the loop on their plans so I wasn't counting on being able to ride with them, and all of my actual friends are juniors. So I was worried...but they eventually brought it up to me and I was like "okay cool" but the only issue was there was an uneven amount of people. They all acted like it was no big deal cause they all already had partners and we could "switch around" but I knew I would just end up always being the solo rider. But it was fine, cause then me and this girl from my art class decided to ride together. But then THAT became an issue because the "friend group" invited someone else to join our group and just thought I'd ride with them because none of them wanted to ride with them and then they were kinda upset with me but that's besides the point. Fastforward to the day of the tirp, I see the girl I'm supposed to ride with getting on the bus with on of my ex-friends. I won't go into why we're not friends anymore, but she was awful to me and ended up being SUPER homophobic and I was really scared if she stayed with us the whole day she'd end up outing me to my mom since I'm out to the people in that group. I was kinda confused as to why they were together, but they sat beside each other so this meant I no longer had anyone to sit with on the over 4 hour bus ride. Which sucked. Cause no one talked to me. I tried talking to people but they all just ended up ignoring me so I just slept and listened to blur (btw blur is just sad british man music but slay damon albarn is pretty cool).

I hoped things would get better at the park...but they kinda only got worse. We spent almost 45 minutes at the bathrooms cause no one in my group would get going, and then when we got into the park we accidentally got into the world's longest roller coaster line (it was for the Raptor, which ended up being my favorite one of the day so worth it) (I've also waited in lines longer for roller coasters so I wasn't too bothered personally but I did realize it was a bad idea after we were already in line) After that ONE RIDE everyone decided they wanted to eat. Which would be fine, if we weren't eating a dinner with the rest of the senior class in hardly 2 hours. So then we just walked around the park for like half an hour (proably more) and no one even ended up getting food cause it was all so expensive. At this point in the day, the girl I didn't like also left us leaving us with uneven numbers. I then kinda claimed the person who everyone expected me to ride with and we rode together the whole day, which was fun. It was also nice to not be alone on any ride, and they're a nice person so no complaints. We then got in line for a coaster called the Rougarou which was really silly, I'd been screaming the name all day and pointing at random rides and calling them the Rougarou. Very fun word. My one friend also got me a magnet with the name and coaster on it. My head was banging on the head barrier thing the whole time tho cause it was all loops and my ears hurt by the end, but I liked it. The whole ride was over this little lake which was cool. Apparently a kid from my school lost his phone in the lake that fell out of his pocket on the ride. 

After the Rougarou, we still had like an hour and a half until dinner AND MY GROUP SAID WE DIDN'T HAVE TIME FOR ANYTHING ELSE SO WE SHOULD JUST WAIT AT THE DINING HALL. HELLO???? I said no and kept protesting, and recommended the roller coaster close to the dining hall and they all finally agreed. This one was called the Gatekeeper and had it's own whole gift shop and everything. It was all griffin themed, which my mythical creature obsessed brain kinda loved. This turned out to be everyone's favorite ride of the day (except mine, but I still really liked it, it just wasn't my favorite). On the first loop/drop my vision did go dark for like 2 seconds which was scary but other than that it was really fun. By this point, we had 45 minutes until dinner. There was this giant swing ride that took you as high as the roller coasters that everyone wanted to ride, so I recommended we go do that since it wasn't far away and didn't have a long line. And guess what? THEY REFUSED. They said we should just "wait at the dining hall until dinner" or just "sit at a bench". HELLO I DIDN'T SPEND $100 ON THIS TRIP TO SIT AROUND ALL DAY? DO YOU GUYS EVEN WANNA BE HERE???? I convinced them to at least go play some games so we did SOMETHING but all the games were overpriced (cheapest being $15) and the prizes for the lowest price were the cheap claw machine animals. They also had squish mallows, but you had to pay like $25 dollars to play these games and they were the SMALL SQUISH MALLOWS. So I didn't play any games. 

Dinner was fine. It was pasta, which I love so no complaints with that. What I DO want to complain about tho was the fact that once everyone left dinner, my group stayed there an extra hour just sitting around. I kept trying to get them to get up, and they'd say "yea let's go" then refill their drink and sit back down. They THEN said that we shouldn't ride rides afte eating, and should try to find a way out onto the beach outside to relax. HELLO??? IF I WANTED TO GO TO LAKE ERIE I WOULD'VE JUST DRIVEN THERE, NOT PAID FOR CEDAR PONT. We didn't end up leaving FOREVER. We only left when I saw the French teacher and said we should get him to ride something with us, which he agreed to.

We rode a ride called the Valkary Raven or something, I don't even know. Well, first we walked up to the line and saw the ride was closed, so we moved onto another one called the Millenium Force. AND AS SOON AS WE GOT THERE THAT ONE CLOSED. But by the time we walked back over to the Valarant Raven or whatever, it was open again. Key detail about the Raven: at the highest point on the ride, it stops you right before the drop and you just stare straight down for like 3 seconds. Kinda scary. And before getting onto it, I told my French teacher about blacking out on the Gatekeeper, AND HE TOLD ME I WAS GOING TO GO COMPLETELY BLIND, AND WHEN I ASKED HIM IF HE WAS JOKING OR NOT, HE JUST LAUGHED. HELLO??? THAT WAS SO SCARY. Spoiler alert I didn't go blind. We ended up buying the photo from that ride which is really silly. 

After that, we stood outside the bathrooms for another 45 minutes cause why wouldn't we? And by this time we had collected every single chaperone except one, and when the two people finally came out of the bathroom we headed to the Millenium Force. 

There's not much to say about this one. We got in line, and were ALMOST to the front when the ride broke down. It was 10 minutes until we had to report back to the bus, so we waited. We waited for like 20 minutes after report time (we had all the chaperones what were they gonna do?) and it still wasn't up. So we had to leave without riding it. We were SO MAD. I kept singing crazy frog the entire time in line and driving everyone nuts but two people we were with just sang taylor swift the entire day and wouldn't shut up so I think I'm allowed to sing crazy frog.

So at the end of the day, I rode 4 roller coasters cause my group was lazy and WOULD NOT KEEP MOVING. IT WAS SO ANNOYING. Everyone else I talked to hit like seven rides at LEAST. I really want to go back this summer with my actual friends who will actually ride rides and don't just want to sit around all day. It was really annoying. Then today in french when I was talking about how much it bothered me everyone (including the people who weren't involved) told me none of that happened and I was basically just being a bitch and needed to calm down 😻😻 um so anyway they're not real ones my one friend also said that the group would never invite me to an amusement park again if I was so disappointed and I told her that was fine, they don't invite me places with them anyway 😘😘


1 - Raptor

2 - Gatekeeper

3 - Valarant Raven (or whatever it's called idek)

4 - Rougarou 

I will say I genuinely really liked them all and didn't think any of them were bad at all. I'd go on them all again. But honestly the one I wanna go back on the most is probably the Rougarou, and I don't know why. I just have a spiritual connection with that ride. Which I would've bought the Rougarou enamel pin. 😞😞 There's hopefully a next time. 

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f3ral_gh0st x__X

f3ral_gh0st x__X's profile picture

fuckin sucks man, im sorry :[

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yea :( but it's alright, my other friends and I have already made plans to go this summer, so now I'm looking forward to that (and actually getting to ride rides...)

by NiKOLAi SP♤DE; ; Report