5/3/2024. First Entry regarding Cerians! (How the hell am I supposed to categorize this?!)

This is the birth of the Cerians (placeholder name) as a species! Ceria’s birth came from boredom in my elective class. I started with doodles inspired by Doctor Nowhere, expanding upon the idea of dead people becoming stars, gradually gaining more power as they age– which would explain paranormal phenomena, as the stars would have the ability to communicate (however faintly). As you can tell, this was originally my scribble page: poses, practice, writing, etcetera, etcetera. I apologize, for I cannot describe what prompted me to create the set aging system of stars: simply that the stars would grow in importance and significance. 

As an introduction, I will state the star’s young years are from age zero to eight-hundred and forty million years. During that time, its Formation develops alongside its strengths. The Formation of a star is its strength– either through sending verbal signals (speech/mouth) or blurry vision (sight).


Beginning from age zero to ten million years, one can consider the stars experiencing the Sparkle stage to be infants. Nothing is remarkable about them; their reflection is unknown to even the most powerful telescopes. The star's formationis uncertain, the shape not discernable quite yet. The Glimmer stage occurs from ten million years to thirty million years old, its light growing brighter. The star's strength can cause illness and a sense of static in the mind near the end of this stage. During the age of thirty to seventy million years old, the Star stage, telescopes can begin to discern its light- messages to prophets through blurry vision and heavily distorted whisperings. The strength remains like so until the Faint Sun stage, which I will mention soon. After the Star stage comes the Bright Display stage, prevailing until one hundred and forty million years old. Its light gets brighter at each stage. Now comes the Spectacular Shimmer stage (can you tell I was running out of name ideas?): the star is now faintly visible to the naked eye. This stage runs from one-hundred and forty million years to two-hundred and sixty million years old; after, the Faint Sun stage occurs. Development is far enough along that the general shape of the formation is noticeable, and it now holds the ability to either send simple, distorted words or faint figures seen in peripheral vision, concerning the Formation of the star. The Bright Sun stage proceeds to the Faint Sun Stage after three hundred and forty million years. Until six hundred million years ago, the star has a slightly more developed Formation and strength. The distortion on the words clears up somewhat, or the figures in the periphery develop sharper, cleaner lines and forms. Afterwards, the Astronomical Shine stage plays out. Its Formationis now nearly developed. With its respective strength, the star can either send clear words, yet one fails to understand them, or flashing, blurry faces. This stage occurs until the eight-hundred-and-forty million years mark.

The Young Years of a Star are past. What lies ahead is its mature stage; the following stages are currently being thought of and planned. During its mature years, the star is a Glorious Being; its light is, as the name implies, glorious. The stars can send comprehensible messages to their respective prophets.

I should explain the system of prophets. Currently, the Cerians have limited vision; prophets are Cerians who see a broader spectrum of colors or hold heightened senses. No set system is in place to explain the birth of prophets as of right now.

The Cerians’ planet has a system of underground liquid ammonia (an element subject to change), in which they thrive as bottom feeders. A species akin to the functions of fungi is their primary food source; it is necessary to consume mass amounts of the fungi to gain proper nutrition. Quoting my friend verbatim, “Probably a cetacean ancestor crossed with a crocodile crossed with a ray if it had bones for bone structure.” (That seemed funnier in my head.) The language of Cerians will be similar to that of cetaceans, with a set of clicks and suction noises. 

I'll upload more images later; I'm too tired to go thru all my files @ 11 PM tonight :P

(2) The first part of a star's timeline!

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