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Category: Life


i hate it when people are late. i truly despise it. it shows to me that that person does not care about other peoples time. i can of course understand being up to 30 minutes late but if its longer than that and all they say is "sorry im running late" and no explanation it pisses me off. of course, its fine if people do that occasionally but when people do it constantly it makes me question how they can ever manage their time. i know someone who is constantly at LEAST an hour late. average of 2 hours. i just dont understand how that is okay in any way. how are you unable to look at a clock. i understand everyone is different and time management isnt easy, i have adhd i know it can be hard. but TWO hours? at that point just dont come, why are you even planning on showing up if you cant be there on time. its like my number one pet peeve. it makes me unreasonably angry.

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