Why do people who post gore on layouts ruin everything.

I want post a layout but no it now lock due to people keep on posting gore. Plus mods don't do there fucking job right.... also don't even try say "but-t-t mods are only few people and this small website" go fuck yourself the mods ain't doing shit anyways they have ban people that have done nothing wrong and not ban people who done horrible things. At this point spacehey is shit show AND I HAVE ONLY BEEN ON THIS WEBSITE FOR FEW DAYS!?....

Don't even try defend the mods. 

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BIG MONEY SANCHEZ$'s profile picture

They do it for attention (blogs like this gives them attention). I'd recommend deleting the blog since it only feeds them

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This blog is most towards the mods how they barely do there jobs.

by 𓆩♱W3rid0♱𓆪 | semi active; ; Report