Why i absolute LOVE found footage horror movies

hi my name is Alice and as someone who loves horror horror movies everything like that in general found footage is probably one of my favorites subgenres and heres why

 I grew up watching horror films and consuming this media in general, so as time went by I created an atmosphere that was more familiar with "normal" horror films like the Conjuring of Evil, which everyone knows about films like Annabelle or The Nun, these films follow the same type of vision of the characters, the camera and how the things works

in found footage everything is a little diferent we have characters experiencing our realistic view of the world without many 4k effects or anything like that, this creates a lot of immersion and realism for our reality, different from the more common films seen in current horror, we feel like we are in the character's shoes, we see everything a little closer up, I don't know if you can understand me, but I mean a lot  referring much more to the experience of immersion and comparision with our own reality, bringing a greater sensation while watching the film

here some found footage movies

blair witch

noroi the curse (dont watch if ur too paranoic)

curse marks (dont watch if ur a too religious person)



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