My Future Plans, as Instagram Folds Itself Over with AI + more

A certain policy by Meta (Facebook and Instagram's parent company) has made it so that any content on its platform will be fed to an AI for "learning" or some shit. This makes me mad. A lot. Many things do, too, such as my Twitch account being banned over my username having the word "fuck" in it. In my opinion, that's hypocritical, but I digress.

I've seen many mutuals and other people on Instagram either try to combat/boycott the entirety of Meta or move to other platforms. As much as I wholeheartedly support these people for these decisions, I'm also not going to do either of them. Why?

1. I'm not going to bother trying to combat a multibillion dollar company, not because it isn't fun as fuck, but because it probably won't work, even with a massive following. That's all I really have to say about that, but next up: the paragraph-aton.

2. I moved from Twitter of all places to Instagram, because Elon Musk has made the most unbearable amount of changes to that site to essentially be a dystopian post orgy with SpaceX and other sorts of Elon propaganda. Oh, and he removed some features that were somewhat crucial to Twitter.

This enshittification [basically an app rises, becomes good, something happens, app changes, it becomes bad, and then it fucking dies or gets really irrelevant] of Twitter caused me to move to Instagram, a place that I thought would be somewhat much more tolerable for me to handle. And, while community-wise, I fucking loved it. A lot of people there were amazing, and I've also met so many great people on that app. Feature-wise? Eh, not so much. It just felt more like Twitter combined with TikTok, another app I strayed away from, mainly because it was just terrible. And now, the enshittification of Instagram has risen.
In all fairness, I should've realized this kind of bullshit would've happened regardless.

Now, you might be scratching your head wondering "What are YOU gonna do about it? Heh?" And, I have a plan:

- First, I'm deleting Instagram. Already a given. It shall be done in a few days from now, as I should probably catch up some of my mutuals on where I am and what I'm doing.

- Second, I'm continuing development on my website. Yes, you heard me: my website. This is, for the most part, where I'm going to put almost everything on (at least what I want and as much that's left). No, I'm not going to delete my YouTube channel... yet. Besides, I've been on it the longest. I can't just give it up right now. Sure, I could probably do that with my Twitch channel (albeit when it finally gets unbanned, but if not, oh well), however, I'm not capable of being able to program a live-streaming space using... Macromedia Dreamweaver 8?

You heard that right. Macromedia. Dreamweaver 8. For the past 2 years so far, this work-in-progress and not-so uptight website has been coded using a 20 year-old piece of software that I'm still using to this day. Not because I'm too lazy to get another piece of software, but because it's fun, goddamnit.

- Third, I'll continue doing what I love doing: making art and music.

That's really it for now. Don't be surprised if I end up deleting this SpaceHey account, too, just to replace it with said site. But, don't worry. That won't really be out utero for a good bit.

Hell, just for that, here's an email to specifically contact me. I don't really get to check this email every nanosecond, but it'll be somewhat useful if you want to ask me any questions or keep contact:

That is all.

0 Kudos


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