some introductions

I cannot really express how hype I am about returning to what is essentially myspace. I am definitely living my best life right now. 

Anyways some of you actually know me most of you all do not. So I figured its best I kind of introduce myself and kind of go over what I will be using spacehey for. 
My name is Natalie, I am a full time returning student. I just turned 30 and I am working on my first BA. I am a geology major, and I moved across the country to finish the degree. The wildest part of this is that I am a millennial lost in a sea of gen z. I go to class with live with and am in general always around gen z. I have really been looking for a way to help document my  experiences being in school again. Especially because I don't hear a lot of stories about returning students my age in University. 

Its a bit strange being in such a rural area now, because I am so used to the Chicagoland area and being able to go to a lot of local artists shows (obviously pre-pandemic). Being in the rural southwest for school there are not many local bands playing. Which means I am not doing as much band photography anymore, which is so sad because I love photographing bands. Its such a fun experience. However, I am still photographing I am just doing a heck of a lot more landscapes. 

Basically, I am Natalie, I am a very stressed out returning student and I plan on documenting my adventures as a returning student and using this space for that!

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Dipole Repeller

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I graduated in 2018 riiiiiiight before my 30th B-day! I feel for ya, stuck in the land of gen Z! Stay sane, and MAJOR congrats on perusing your higher education!

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yeah, it's a super odd time in my life, because I live with a lot of gen z rn and I am 30. moved across the country to make it happen! But I am happy I am going for it. I really wanna get my BA then move on to graduate studies in hydrology.

what did you go back to school for?

by Natalie_Catastrophe; ; Report