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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

Hazbin Hotel is kinda,,, bad

Okay, so to start off, I am not a fan of the series but I am talking about this from a general standpoint, it is not a good show and imma say why. If you disagree with me, feel free to tell me and talk about it, but if you're gonna be an asshole, I won't take you seriously or engage. I will throw an opinion in here every once in a while but I'll try to keep it as nice as possible


I think that the original premise is a fairly good idea, a hotel to rehabilitate sinners to keep them from getting killed every year. Where my problem comes in is how the characters go about this idea/ if they even know about it. In the first episode, Charlie reads a book, telling the audience about how the kingdom of Hell came to be and why the exterminations happen every year. First issue, what were the gates of Heaven protecting it from? That was a little thing that bothered me but whatever. My main issue is that Charlie, reads this book, and tells the audiesnce that the reason the exterminations started was to kill sinners to keep them from rebelling against and attacking Heaven. Makes sense. But what doesn't make sense is that Charlie knows this information but when she meets with Adam, she talks about redeeming people to fix the overpopulation issue? Uhm, where did this come from? The angels aren't killing people because of Hell being overpopulated and Charlie knows this so why are the writers saying this?

Another thing about the plot is that I feel as if the writers forget where they are going with the show at times. They hop from one thing to another and exprect it to have the same emotional weight as a situation that is well built up to and established. Now this falls flat partially to the short run time and episode number, which i know that Vivzie can't control. But what she can control is how she and the writers adapt to this, and they didn't. There was a lot iof plot and world building that they wanted to be in the first season, and tried to force in but because it wasn't't given the right amount of time or substance to have it feel right or make sense.

-World Building-

Oh boy, do i have some shit to say about this. The world building of this show is too much in too little time and it also just sucks. Why is Hell modelled after Earth? What is the damn hierarchy of Hell and when does it actually apply to the characters we see on screen? I know that there is a hierarchy but it isnt ever held up, especially with how it comes to the characters we see in the show. Examples of this 'hierarchy' not making sense is how the sinners interact with Charlie, the princess of Hell. They all kind of treat her like shit and like they are all better than her to her face, and she is suppossed one of the top people in Hell. I know the hierarchy of Hell is more touched on in Helluva Boss but even then its not held up because when Blitzo and Stolas are out together, they get shit on for being an imp and goetia in a relationship,,,, but the hellhounds hangout with one of the Seven Deadly Sins?? The lowest creatures on the pyramid hanging out with one of the third most important creatures in Hell??? Yea, no, that's not gonna fly. You can't have both situations make sense in this setting with the pre-established hierarchy.

The relation and history of Heaven, Earth and Hell also need a bit of work as its a bit janky at some points.

And the whole "Heaven being almost as bad as Hell" is so fucking stupid to me. This is one of my biggest things about the world building of the show. Why are these people trying to redeem themselves and get into Heaven if Heaven is going to be no different??


Now this is where I have a lot to say, as an artist and writer. 

I think that a lot of the characters don't need to be in the first season. This goes with my pacing critisism to a certain extent. But even with some of the characters removed from the first season, a lot of the characters dynamics and shit are poorly executed.

Charlie- I feel as if a lot of her character doesnt make too much sense. Her obession with helping the sinners of Hell is not brought up aside from the fact that 'they're her people'. Her relationships with the other characters is not developed at all and even her relationship with her girlfriend is not established as a real relationship. She shows no real connection to anyone in teh show, part of this can be blamed on the pacing and number of episides but if they writers focused more on establishing and developing her adn her relationships instead of forcing in as many plot points as possible, who knows? She might have been a decent character. She is also a shitty main character. She has nothing really going on for her, we have no reason to like following her as a protagonist. again, she has no real conection with the rest of the cast and it makes her actions and scenes less impactful. From a character design point, Charlie is very,,,, boring. There isnt anything really going on with her design that akes her stand out from the world around her and the rest of the cast. I think that there could be soem more things done to make her a more interesting looking character. Might post about that later.

Vaggie- I think the change from her being a sinner to her being an angel is honestly not that bad. I think its a very interesting concept that could have been really great if the writers had more time and if they focused more on the characters in this season. Now , one thing that i cant get with is  how her being an angel is handled through the show. There was very little build up, which again could be fixed if they writers knew how to pace things when given a lilmited amount of time. There is also her relationship with Heaven and things of that sort. it kind of doesn't make sense for her, an ex-extermination angel, to be trying to help sinners get into Heaven, because she knows about how much Heaven sucks. Hell, she was a part of the problem. From a design stand point, i think Vaggie looks kind of nice. I feel like there should have been more parts of her character that pointed out how different she actually was from the rest of the cast.

Angel Dust- One of the fandom's favourite characters and one of Vivzie's faves as well. Now , i do believe how they wrote his sexual trauma and how he deals with it fairly well, it could have been dealt with in a better manner, but it was fine. Now his relationship with the other characters sucked. All around horrible. It could be a pacing thing for his relationship with Husker but with everyoen else, his character is bad. He is suppossed to be a character that we simpathize with but he is an asshole to all of the other characters, making his emotional moments feel out of place for his story.

Adam- My BIGGEST issue with the character writing, falls onto this man. He makes no sense. His entire character makes the whole show stop making sense as soon as he opens his mouth. He is THE Adam, from the Bible. he is suppossed to be the peak example of what gets someone into Heaven, despite being one of the first sinners to ever exist. But he isn't a good person. His character makes one of the biggest defenses of the characters in this show. "Oh, it takes place in Hell, so of course the characters are going to be bad people." This excuse gets thrown out the fucking window as soon as Adam is introduced. Adam is an absolute dickhead and we are meant to think so, which is so dumb.

Im gonna cut this off here for now, might continue later lol

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