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Category: Life


ROFLLLL this entry will jst b me talking abt drugzzz XD!!!!!!1!!!!! so content warning I guess......


as u can probs tell from my profile, I <3 WEED. I luv it so much, u don't understand. It is one of the greatest creations ever nd being high is the greatest. 

Now, I come from a family w/ strong ass addiction genes, and both my parents have/had some sort of really bad substance abuse issues. I don't wanna go down that road, like I don't wanna use hard drugs or anything but...

id try ecstasy. Id probs just try coke once. YOLO, ya know? Id never ever anywhere near like m3th or h3roin or f3nt, because I know how really damaging those are. I wouldn't hurt myself like that. (0_o)/

I am alrdy dealing with a prtty addiction that i'm trying my best to get away from, nd I'm heading towards a nic nd weed addiction. Probs will be an alcoholic as an adult 2. Drugz arent great nd ik that, but i'm a fucked up teenager with issues i'm tryna work my way through.

ok thatzzz the endddd of my rant!!!

imma try to robotripp soon 2 XP see wat tahts all abt....LUUULLZZZZ 


- mALc0Lm 

Xx 6/1/24 xX

0 Kudos


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